"I'm sorry," Hoseok said. "If I hadn't brought him in –"

"Why are you apologizing?" Jimin replied. "We've all been friends for years. How would you have known?"

Hoseok shook his head. "I should have known something. I could have protected Y/N."

"It's not your fault, Hoseok." Y/N said. "Please don't beat yourself up about it."

Why was she being so nice about this? It was pissing me off.

"So what do we do now?" Jimin asked Jin.

"Notify the police to have him arrested," Namjoon said.

"Or shoot him on sight." I suggested.

"We're not going to shoot him," Jin said. "But we will have to take some action."

"I don't expect you to go easy on me."

We turned to the voice in the doorway.


Everything turned red.

I leapt over the sofa and slammed my fist into his jaw. He hit the ground, but before I could punch him again, two pairs of arms pulled me back. Yoongi held his face.

"I deserved that," he said apathetically.

"You deserve a lot more." I spat. "I'll give it to you. Just wait for it. How can you just walk back in here after what you've done!"

"Did you really do it?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi looked at Y/N and nodded.


He stared at her for a long moment, almost fondly. I wanted to rip his eyes out.

"You know?" he said. "I don't remember."

He straightened his coat and jaw and looked at Jin. "No harm was supposed to come to her, but since it has, I'll take responsibility for it. So, Jin? What's the verdict?"

Jin put his finger on his lips, staring at Yoongi. He shut his eyes. After a long exhale, he waved his hands to the guards.

"I don't want to do this, Yoongi, but... arrest him."

A couple of the guards rushed in and pulled Yoongi's arms behind his back. It would have been the perfect time to hit him again, but Namjoon and Hoseok were holding my hands back as well.

"I have the names and locations of the three that attacked her." Yoongi said to Jin. "Find me when you want them."

He turned to Y/N. "And if Jin doesn't find them, I swear to God that I'll track them down myself and make them pay for what they did. You have my word."

As they dragged him out of the room, he smiled.

How could that bastard smile like that?

Jin stood and went to Y/N, taking her hand gently in his. "Come with me, my dear," he said, the pet name making my stomach curl. "Let me take you back to your room."

They left the room together, Taehyung close behind. Namjoon and Hoseok let go of my arms.

Namjoon shoved me. "What the hell is wrong with you?"


"Get yourself under control," Namjoon warned. "You can't keep acting like this."

"Acting like what? He almost got Y/N killed!"

"And this is your way to bring justice? Like an after school fight?" Namjoon threw back. "If you can't get a handle on your emotions, you're going to bring yourself destruction as a prince."

"He deserved it!"

"I agree, but that's not how we handle things."

"Then what is my job, huh?" I asked. "Just to sit around and take orders from you and Jin? What exactly am I supposed to do here?"

Namjoon grabbed my shoulder. I gritted my teeth.

"Now's not the time, Jungkook." he said, his voice low. "We'll talk about this soon."

I jerked away from him and sat across from Jimin.

"Why are you so worked up, anyways?" Jimin asked. "Since when do you care about Y/N so much?"

"I don't," I replied automatically.

His head cocked to the side. "Is this a new hobby of yours? Going after women that belong to someone else?"

I lunged for him. Namjoon pulled me off before I could do any damage. Hoseok pulled Jimin back before he could counter me.

"What the hell is the matter with you!" Namjoon yelled, pulling me backwards.

I ripped out of his hold. "I don't know!"

I ran out of the room before they could ask me any more questions.

Forget them. Forget all of them.

I ran out to the ballroom and onto the balcony. I leaned against the wall, sliding down it and sitting on the ground. I watched my hands as they shook.

Why was I like this?

The 7 Princes - His POV - JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now