Chapter Four

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We all had so much fun the other day, I finally got to hold Lance's hand. I think that we could go outside and do something else, I don't know, I wonder what Lance has in mind. So far it's been fun, only three days and we are having a lot of fun! It's only December 8th, and we have had much more fun than we would have in space, there isn't much to do on off days. Well, Allura hasn't said much, weird... I'll go ask Lance what we are doing today.

Keith gets up out of his chair and folds his journal to the cover, he set his pen down as it made a clack sound, he walks out to the hall, expecting no one to be awake, but he heard people talking from across the hall. He tilted his head, 'Who would be up at this time Besides me?' He thought and walks down the hall, they were whispering sounds and it sounded like Pidge, Shiro, and Lance. "REALLY?!" Pidge basically screeched, Lance covered her mouth "Shhh!!!" He scolds, then lifting his hand off her face. Pidge starts over, "Really?!" She whispered excitedly, Keith came from around the corner, "What's going on...?" He asks, Pidge and Lance flinched and Shiro just stood there a little surprised. "Oh! Keith! Um... we were talking about... secret Santa!" Pidge thought quickly, Lance nodded "Yeah!" He agrees and Shiro just nodded along with them.

Keith stared at them, "You three are up to something... I know it..." he said and lifts an eyebrow. Lance looked at him and walks to him, "It's not concerning! Come on, let's go out to the forest and make snowmen!" He said and turns Keith around, pushing him to the balcony, he sighs and grabbed his arm, then made him let go, "Lance... What. Is. Going. On." He said, looking him in the eyes. Lance looked at him, "It's nothing Keith, don't worry Okay? Like Pidge said, we were discussing about our secret Santa's." He Says, Keith looks at him, "But I wasn't assigned a secret Santa. Lance, you're all lying." Keith folds his arms. Lance sighs, "Okay, it's a surprise, I can't tell you okay? Over and done with." Lance says and looks away, walking to his room to get his winter clothes on, Keith sighs and went to get his own as well.

They had went out into the cold winter air, Shiro and Pidge followed along with them both. Keith held Lance's hand as he took Keith to a clearing nearby, good for making snowmen, Lance smiled and he went over to the snow, crouching down and beginning to make the start of his snowman. Keith gets another and starts to make a ball, Shiro watched them for a moment before going to help Pidge with her snow-Rover that she was making. Lance and Keith were working on a Voltron lion, doing the best they could, Shiro and Pidge have gotten a snow-Rover, and started making a bigger one. After a while they finished a big and a small Rover, and a Voltron lion.

Pidge had fallen asleep after the guys were making the other lions, Hunk, Allura, and Coran had came over to join them, and Shiro would make sure that his adopted space daughter was okay, and warm enough. Coran, of course, made a "Coran, Coran, the gorgeous snowman, according to him, Lance was looking for Keith since he hadn't seen him for about ten minutes, "Keith? Keeeeeith?" He calls, and finally finds him under one of the lions due to Keith making a small cave underneath it. Lance looked inside "Keith...? You okay...?" He asks and taps Keith, groaning, he turns over the other way and cuddled to his jacket, he was asleep. Lance drags him out, "Hey Hunk, Keith and Pidge are asleep, Shiro and I will take them back to the lodge, see you there." Lance said and picks up Keith, pulling him over his shoulder. Shiro grabs Pidge and walks with Lance back to the lodge, "So Pidge and I know, what about Hunk, Allura, and Coran?" Shiro asked softly, "I'll tell them, don't worry." He responds.

A few hours later, Keith had woke up, on the couch with a Pidge on the opposite end, "Mmgh... huh...? Pidge? You awake?" He asks and yawns. Pidge groans "Now I am..." she mumbled softly and sat up, adjusting her glasses and pushing her hair to the side, Keith sighs, "Sorry, just wondering what you, Lance, and Shiro were talking about a few hours ago..." he says and say up, pushing the blanket off him, and looking at the fire. Pidge looks at him, "Oh... um.... it was... nothing much. Just a surprise." She said softly and stretched out. "That's What Lance said..." he mumbled and sighs, looking away. Pidge looks at him and sighed, "Look, it's nothing you need to worry about. I'm sure he'll tell you later," she said smiling at Keith, Keith looked at her and sighed, "I guess..." he looked down and gets up, walking to the stairs, "I'll be in my room if you need me." He mumbled and went to his room.

'So, we build snowmen, and Lance, Pidge, and Shiro are hiding something from me. I really wonder what it is, and if I'm supposed to help or not, oh well. It's only seventeen days until Christmas so, it'll be fun, I hope. Keeping secrets really makes the one who isn't included feel left out a bit, even if they hang out with you. Well, I think I'm just going to get ready for bed, the others are awake, so I'm going to find out what we are going to do tonight.'

Keith sighs and put his pen down, getting up and putting his red lion onesie on, walking out with a blanket slung around his shoulder. Shiro was in the living room with Pidge and Allura, they were all in their pajamas, of course, their lion pajamas, but Allura didn't have the blue lion pajamas, she had pink ones, 'I guess this is what we get for an early Christmas present from Shiro, not saying they arn't nice, warm, and soft, they are perfect for this weather.' He thought, going to Lance's room, he was zipping the zipper on his onesie when Keith came in, he was also a bit startled, "Oh! Hey Keith." He blushed a little, noticing he walked in when the zipper got jammed, "Uhh... I can't get it to zip up..." Lance mumbled softly and looked at Keith.

Keith walks to him and laughed softly, "I'll help you." He Smiles and takes the zipper, getting the thread out of it and zipping it up, "There, oh wait!" He Smiles and flips the hood up on Lance's onesie, "Perfect!" He laughs under his breath. Lance laughs and he smiled, "Thanks Keith, come on, let's go get Coran and Hunk, we're watching a Christmas movie!" He Smiles brightly and took his hand as he pulls Keith out of the room, in the hall. Keith and Lance got Hunk and Coran, then going downstairs to Shiro, Allura, and Pidge, who were getting the movie ready.
Pidge got the Christmas movie on and Keith, Shiro, Allura, and Coran sat down, Lance ran to turn off the lights. He came back, crawling over the couch, and sitting next to Keith and Pidge, Hunk on the other side of Pidge, Shiro beside Keith with Allura and Coran.

They watched Christmas movies until 2 A.M. when Lance and Pidge were the only ones awake, Coran sleeping on the rug, Shiro sleeping on the rug infront of the coffee table, Allura asleep on the couch, Hunk asleep on the couch, and Keith asleep leaned against Lance. Lance smiled softly and he looked at Keith, then back at Pidge, Pidge looks at them and smiled, "I told you." She whispered softly. Lance smiled, nodding, "Lets go to sleep, it's pretty late." Lance said and smiled, Pidge nodded and she leaned on the back of the couch, falling asleep as Lance did with his head on Keith's.

To be continued...

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