Chapter One

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I have been locked in my frozen room, only the cold to keep me company. Christmas only being three weeks away from now. I have been locked in my room for weeks, contemplating if I should go out or not. Meanwhile, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Coran, and Allura were getting ready for Christmas. I kept this a secret to everyone, I love Lance, guess it won't do anything for me if I do or do not tell anyone... Seems like Lance likes Allura...

There was a knock on the door of Keith's room, Keith flinched and stays tucked in the covers, he closed his eyes and hears a voice at the door. The voice was quiet and calm, "Keith...? Are you there...?" A male voice asks. Keith doesn't respond, he could tell that the voice was from Lance, he just turns over on his side. "Look, I know you're in there." Lance said leaning on the door, he gently twisted the knob to make sure that the door wasn't locked, it wasn't infact.

Lance slowly opened the door to the dark room, he looked at Keith and walks to him silently, sitting on the edge of his bed. "Keith...? You doing okay...?" He asks softly and reached a hand out to him, Keith still stays silent. Lance touched his shoulder, "Hey... Tell me what's wrong..." Lance said softly, Keith sat up, and sighs, he leaned against the wall. Keith shook his head, "I just don't want to be here for this Christmas... I have a lot on my mind lately..." Keith mumbled softly and held his knees, Lance looked at him and he sighs, sitting on his knees and hugging Keith gently. "It's okay... it'll all be okay. Keith, we want you to come and celebrate with us! Please? It'll be fun!" Lance smiled and pulled away, putting his hands on his shoulders. Keith looked at him and he smiled a little, he had slight blush on his cheeks, and he looked up at Lance.

Lance smiled warmly and took his arm "Come on! You're freezing!" Lance said and helped him out of his bed. Keith laughs softly and he gets up, he was dragged out to the fireplace in the living room, being sat down infront of it. Lance smiled and gave Keith a warm smile "I'll go make hot chocolate!" He Smiles and ran out of the room to the kitchen, Keith laughs softly and he watched the flames as it was already lit a few minutes ago. The others were outside and sledding, snowboarding, and having fun, after a while, Lance came back with two hot chocolate mugs, and candy canes, "Here you are!" Lance smiled and sat next to Keith. Keith took one of he hot chocolates and a candy cane, "Thank you Lance. You're the best." He mumbled softly at the end, Lance looked at him, "Really?!" He hops up smiling brightly, Keith blushed a little bit and smiled "Yeah."

'After a while of the fire going, Keith had fallen asleep, on me no less. I guess this is what I get for making fun of his mullet, even though his skin his cold, I can feel his heartbeat beating at a rythm, like a song. To be honest... Keith's warming up to me a lot, not being annoyed by me as much, and we arn't much of enemies anymore. I just hope that he's comfortable like this, i think I have feelings for him, it's weird to describe, but it's like... Love? I don't know. Something a bit sappy like that... Oh well, he looks cute too, I know he wouldn't like it if I called him cute to his face, but still, he's really cute right now. Now I want to give him a cute sweater for him! Anyways, I might as well join him.'

A few hours later... The others have gotten to the lodge already, and we're up in their rooms besides Coran and Allura, who were cooking something for dinner. Keith sniffs the air, slowly waking up and yawning, he looked at Lance who's head was on his shoulder, he blushed lightly and smiled "Hey Lance... Wake up..." he said softly, and rubbed his shoulder. Lance yawned and stretched his arms out, "Hmm...? What...?" He groans and looks at Keith as he sat up, Keith laughs a bit, "We slept for 3 hours." He Smiles softly and ruffled his hair gently. Lance smiled "At least you spend time with me!" He laughs, Keith laughs as well and smiled "Dork." He gets up and stretched, then walks over to the dining room. Lance went into the  kitchen, watching Allura and Coran cook, offering to set the table, and going back with plates, he gave some to Keith and they both set the table, then sat down to talk a little.

At dinner, Keith didn't even make a peep, he was between Lance and Allura, Keith being at the end of the table. Next to Lance was Hunk, Pidge, Shiro, Coran, then Allura and Keith. Once Lance and Allura got talking, Keith started to listen to them, "Ooh! Remember the last battle with the Galra? You were doing so amazing!" Lance would say, Allura would respond with, "No, you did way better than me Lance." She would blush a little, Lance responds, "You did better with Blue than I did with Red, you're truely amazing." Lance would say. After Keith saw that Allura was blushing, he got the hint that they liked each other and he gets up, leaving the table as the group watched him run up the stairs to his room, slamming the door behind him.

Lance watches and gets up afterwards, "I'll go talk to him..." he said and pushes in his chair as he went up to Keith's room. Lance took a deep breath and he opened the door "Keith." He said calmly and walks over to Keith who was facing the wall, on his bed. "What do you want Lance?!" He responded with a snap, Lance backs away a little and held a hand out. "Calm down... tell me what's wrong..." Lance said softly and he sat by him, putting a hand on his shoulder. Keith starts, "Well....."

To be continued...

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