Chapter 29 - Saving Rey

Start from the beginning

"So sure are you? Do or do not, there is no try." 

He looked at Luke and the young man and nodded. Luke and Yoda closed their eyes, seemingly in meditation. The young man crouched at Ben's side, not removing his hand from his shoulder.

"Close your eyes, son. Reach out with your feelings."

Then Yoda spoke, "Life creates it makes it grow; its energy surrounds us and binds us luminous beings are we."

Ben did as commanded, closing his eyes and calming his breathing; he focused on those words, his feelings and the Force. To his left, Luke spoke his familiar voice soothing him as it never had before as he concentrated.

"Through passion, I gain focus. Through knowledge, I gain power. Through serenity, I gain strength. There is only the Force."

Ben breathed deeply, and now the young man to his right was speaking.

"Let it flow. The dark can be generous, but within its heart is one weakness that one lone candle can hold back. Hold on to her. Feel your love for her. Love is more than a candle; love can ignite the stars. "

Ben thought of the first moment he'd come across her as she'd blasted fire at him in the woods of Takodana, how he'd touched her face and read her mind during his interrogation of her aboard the Supremacy, finding how alike they were and how lonely. He saw the island, their island, from their dream. Their fight in the snow when the Force within her had truly awoken. Touching hands across the galaxies and fighting the Praetorian side by side. Standing in the rain on Fondor and their kiss, lying beneath him on Maridun, her telling him she loved him. From within him and around him, he now felt that familiar light. He felt it grow and the wind rising as it had whenever they touched.

"Save her, you can."

Yoda sounded far away, but within the Force, he could feel her again. He opened his eyes and looked down. She was breathing faintly, eyes still closed. She was still horribly pale but alive. The ghostly figures still surrounded him.

Through shuddering breaths, he spoke, "Thank you."

Luke smiled and started to fade; Yoda did next. The young man crouched at his side remained.

"Get her to medical, son; there are limits to what we can do."

Ben got to his feet, hastily taking her unconscious form in his arms effortlessly. He looked questioningly at the young man. He spoke as if he knew him, but Ben couldn't recall knowing anyone like this person who appeared familiar enough to call him son and powerful within the Force. The man smiled, hearing his questioning.

"You've begged me for guidance and help for years. Only those with the light can move beyond this world in the Force in this way. Only those with the light can see us in return."

The realisation hit Ben, his hero, and his family: Anakin Skywalker had come to him in his time of need.

"Grandfather?" he said it as a question, but he knew the answer.


Rey felt cold, and it was dark, so dark. She felt heavy, as though she was sinking lower and lower, darker and darker, as though she was being dragged down. It felt like the ominous cave she'd fallen in beneath Ahch-To. Just as cold and just as dark but not as frightening. The darkness felt like an undertow. It felt peaceful, and she didn't want to resist it. She could hear a strange voice from far away.

"Life creates it makes it grow; its energy surrounds us and binds us luminous beings are we."

What was that? Where was she? She tried to remember, to move, but the darkness called her, and she wanted to let go and fall deeper and deeper. Another voice interrupted her dark, drifting peace.

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