Time to form a team

Start from the beginning

"Yea Lord Beerus! He would be an excellent addition!" Goku chimed in.

"I told him in secret! Regardless, he can't enter!" Beerus snapped at them.

"Uh huh, sure." Mae laughed.

"Hey you guys! We heard Bulma was going to have her baby so we came by!" Mr. Satan and Majin Buu came walking over.

"Hey Buu! Wanna join our team for the Tournament of Power?" Goku asked.

"Hmmm no!" Buu said after thinking for a moment.

"Please! There will be lots of strong people for you to fight!" Goku pleaded.

"Hey Buu, if you join I'll make you my special holiday chocolate." Mae bribed.

"I want that! Okay I'll play!" Buu smiled. Mae knew how much he loved her homemade chocolates.

"But you have to train and do really well in the tournament okay!" Mae winked at him.

"Excellent that makes five. Now if we add Piccolo that's six." Gohan said counting the fighters.

"What about Krillin?" Goku asked. "He's been training again."

"Hmm let's see." Gohan sat on the ground and Goku joined him. Within seconds they had their eyes closed and focused.

"Hey Mae, what are they doing?" Mr. Satan asked.

"They are doing an image battle. Most likely to tell if Krillin will make a good addition or not." Mae explained.

"Oh I see." He replied.

"Are you sure about Krillin?" Gohan asked once they were done with the image battle.

"Krillin will be okay. He's gotten stronger!" Goku said he knew Krillin better than any of them.

"That makes seven. Who else could we ask?" Said Gohan.

"What about Trunks and Goten? They seem promising!" Shin said.

"No they won't do well." Mae said.

"She's right, they are too straightforward and too inexperienced." Goku agreed.

"Dad, what about Master Roshi?" Gohan said.

"Oh yes he would be good!" Mae said.

"Yea he has lots of experience and lots of tricky moves good idea Gohan!" Goku said.

"Hey if you guys are going to see Krillin why not see if 18 will join you." Mr. Satan added.

"Good idea, we should also ask 17 and that so the last one we will need!" Gohan said excitedly they had their ten teammates.

"We should also visit Korin and see if there are any more senzu beans." Goku said.

"That would be cheating." Whis said suddenly. "Senzu beans heal your stamina and energy so it's highly likely that the use of them would mean erasure immediately."

"Oh I guess I didn't think about that," Goku chuckled.

"Hey Vegeta!" Mae called to her mentor as he walked outside. They proceeded to tell Vegeta about the Tournament of Power only leaving out the part about the universes being erased.

"I already told you no. My child is going to be born and I don't know if it'll be born by then." Vegeta said sternly.

"Come on Vegeta we need you!" Mae pleaded.

"Yea Vegeta we cant do this without you." Goku added.

"Something is off. There will be 70 people for you to fight, do you really want me in your way." Vegeta stared right at Mae.

"Nothing is off!" Mae laughed lightly.

"Don't lie to me, Mae." Vegeta glared.

"You are joining and that's final!" Beerus yelled at the saiyan.

"If you want me to participate so badly then you need to convince Bulma, otherwise I'm not budging!" Vegeta snapped back.

"Fine. I'll deal with this." Whis sighed and stood up. The four saiyans followed him inside to where Bulma was.

"What are you doing! Bulma is in a delicate state right now!" Chi-Chi yelled at Whis as he entered the room.

"Hmm," Whis ignored her and held his staff up to Bulma's belly. In just a couple of seconds the baby was magically born. As he walked out he looked to Vegeta, "now you can participate."

"Mae let's go tell Trunks the baby was born!" Gohan said brightly to his twin.

"Yea okay!" Mae nodded and they ran off to find the young saiyan. They found him and Goten trying to find a spot to place the baby's crib. "Hey Trunks, Goten! The baby is here!"

"What?!" The boys said at the same time.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Trunks asked.

Mae and Gohan looked at each other, "oh I guess we forgot to ask." Mae laughed.

"So Trunks what do you hope it is?" Gohan asked him.

"I dunno either is fine I guess." Trunks said in thought.

"If it's a boy you can train with him! Big brother trained me." Goten said.

"Oh then I want a brother!" Trunks said.

"Hey girls can train too! Goten I've trained you before!" Mae snapped at her brother.

"That's true!" Goten laughed.

"Well I guess either is fine then." Trunks said looking at the ground.

"Well let's go find out then!" Mae said excitedly. Following Mae outside, there was already a small crowd of people around Bulma and her baby. Mae walked over to where Vegeta was standing. He had his back turned from them but he kept looking over his shoulder. "Congrats Vegeta."

"Hmph," he scoffed.

"So is it a boy or a girl?" She asked leaning forward.

"It's a girl." He opened one eye at her.

"I remember when Goten was born," Mae leaned back on her heels. "Dad was dead at the time though."

At that moment someone one made the baby cry and Vegeta went super saiyan blue in response. "Is there an enemy?" Someone asked.

"Calm down!" Mae laughed. "You know she's fine."

"Hey dad, mom said to hold her." Trunks said bringing the baby over.

Vegeta turned around and looked at his children. He suddenly snatched the baby from him, "you aren't holding her right!"

Mae smiled softly at her mentor. "So Bulma, have you thought of a name?" Chi-Chi asked.

"Wait I have to give her a name worthy of a saiyan!" Vegeta said.

"Her name is Bulla!" Bulma said interrupting Vegeta.

Bulla laughed she seemed to like the name. "Vegeta I think that's a fine name for her." Mae said taking a look at the smiling baby. She had blue hair like Bulma's but she had some similarities as Vegeta. "I'm sure she will be a fine warrior one day." She said putting her hands behind her back.

"Hey Mae! I'm off to see Krillin. Wanna come?" Goku asked as he jogged over to them.

"Sure I'll meet you over there in a little while." Mae said. With the new baby they had another person to protect. With that, Mae decided she would eat something before heading to Krillin's to start putting their team together.

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