Chapter 6

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AN: This chapter is going to be short! I've been changing up the plot a lot as I go, which I don't mean to do. But with how busy I've been, I haven't been able to sit down and actually decided what's going to be done. SO bear with me please!

 "Alright, so what I'm going to do is dry out your tongue and then check the bottom for a vein. Sound good?" Jason said. I nodded and stuck out my tongue. He pulled the paper towel from the tray next to him and pressed it on my tongue. The texture made me wrinkle my nose in disgust. When he was done he flipped my tongue up and checked the bottom. He examined it for a couple of seconds before releasing it. "You're good to go." He said.

Victoria wiggled her eyebrows at me. "Jaime is going to absolutely love it." She giggled. I groaned. "Is Jaime your new boyfriend?" Jason asked. I shook my head. "No, Victoria just likes to tease me about a boy in my class." I explained. Jason rolled his eyes at her. "Leave it to Vic." He mumbled. "You're just mad that I told Jess that you had a thing for her!" Victoria mocked. "That's cause she's my co-worker and it makes work awkward! Not to mention its Emily's older sister which means you guys are never gonna stop gossiping about it!" I looked from Victoria to Jason and back while they bickered. Finally I cleared my throat. "Hey, guys? Can I get that needle in my tongue already?"

Jason sighed and nodded. "Sorry Daphne. Alright, open up." I did as I was told and he marked my tongue. Then he clamped it, instructed me to breathe in, and slipped the needle through my tongue. I didn't feel anything other than the strange sensation of the jewelry going through. He screwed the ball on and then stepped back. "You're good. Looks great." He gave me a thumbs up and then gave me a mirror. I stared at it and grinned. "Wow, it looks good." I said, but my words came out strange. I couldn't talk right. Vic giggled. "You'll be talking funny for a while, but it does look good."

I stood up and let Victoria take my place. Her nose was prepped, the needle was jammed in, and she was given a mirror to check it out. She nodded in approval. "Wow, I can really pull this off!" She exclaimed. I giggled. "Good for you for having great self confidence." Victoria pulled snapchat up on her phone and snapped a picture of herself before throwing her arm over my shoulder. "Stick your tongue out and take a 'new piercing' pic with me." She said, grinning. I rolled my eyes and smiled before sticking my tongue out. She snapped a few more photos before shoving her phone in her pocket. "Alright, boo. Lets pay and get the hell outta here."

We made our way to the counter, paid, and left. "So I turned in an application to Owl Tree." Veronica said as we entered the backroads to my house. "Really? Isn't that the fancy restaurant in town?" I asked, surprised. She nodded. "They need hosts and kitchen staff. I, of course, applied for host because I'm not gonna get my hands dirty." I rolled my eyes. "I don't think kitchen work would be that bad depending on your role." Veronica shrugged. "Ah, well. I have a pretty face so I should be front of house." I laughed and rolled my eyes again. "Maybe I'll put an application in too. If I'm lucky there'll be a cute boy who wants me..." I giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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