8. Highway Chase

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Sam, Steve, Jessie and Natasha had taken Sitwell as a hostage. Sam drove on the highway while Steve sat in the passengers seat, Natasha and Jessie in the back with Sitwell.

“Hydra doesn’t like leaks,” Sitwell said breaking the silence.

“Then why don’t you try sticking a cork in it?” Sam asked, looking at the Agent from the rear view mirror.

“Insights launching in 16 hours, we’re kinda cutting it a little bit close here,” Jessie said.

“I know,” Steve replied looking out the window. “We’ll use them to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly.”

“What?” Sitwell asked, looking at Steve like he was crazy. “Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea.” There was a thud on the roof of the car. Everyone, except Sam, looked up. A metal arm broke the window, grabbing Sitwell and pulling him through, throwing him to the other side of the highway, making him be hit by an oncoming truck. Jessie noticed the man grab a pistol, and she moved to the front, in Steve’s lap. The man began to shoot at them. Steve pulled the emergency brake and the car skidded to a stop, making the man on the roof fly off only to end up okay. Jessie grabbed a gun only to have it fall on the floor when a car hit theirs in the back. The car behind them pushed them toward the man, who jumped onto the roof and grabbed the steering wheel of the car, pulling it out of the car. Jessie grabbed the gun off of the floor and tried to shoot at the man, recognizing him as the same man who killed Fury, and who Natasha called the Winter Soldier, only to end up missing. He jumped onto the hood of the car behind them as they sped up hitting the back of the car the four were in. since they didn’t have control of the car anymore, it was going to flip. Steve grabbed his shield and the door, breaking it, and using it as a road shield. He pulled Sam, Jessie, and Natasha with him. When they recovered, they quickly got up. The Winter Soldier was given a missile launcher and shot at Steve and Jessie, only to have it be blocked by the shield, and send them flying into a bus below, causing it to lose control.

Jessie recovered quickly, and began to help people out of the bus. She noticed Natasha running under the bridge and the Winter Soldier waiting for her. When she stopped, he saw Jessie, and pointed the gun toward the bus, only to end up being shot at by Natasha and fall back. She quickly hid behind a car, Jessie running over to her.

“Are you able to shoot him?” Natasha asked. Jessie took the Rifle, loading it with amo, and began shooting toward the Winter Soldier only to have him move out of the way. She noticed his goggles were gone when he began shooting at them. She noticed Natasha running, and began to run after her. Jessie noticed that he began to follow them. Natasha hid behind a car, recording her voice on her phone, and leaving it against a car. She hid behind a different car with Jessie who had her Rifle trained on Winter Soldier. He heard the recording and took a bomb from his back pocket, rolling it on the ground to the other side of the car. When the car exploded, Jessie shot at the Soldier, handing the gun to Natasha and attacking the Soldier. She jumped on his back and took out a rope, pulling it up to his neck, trying to strangle him. He grabbed her arm and threw her off of him to the car in front of them. He noticed her left arm being metal, and stopped as if he recognized it from somewhere. Natasha pulled out a small disk and threw it at the Winter Soldiers left arm, shocking him. She handed the Rifle to Jessie who took it and Natasha’s hand and began to run. As they were running, Natasha was shot. The bullet went through her left shoulder. They saw Steve running their way and began hand in hand combat with the Winter Soldier. Jessie got up and began to help Steve.

While fighting, the Winter Soldier knocked Steve out of the way, and pulled Jessie’s left sleeve off to see the blue star. He realized it looked like his. She kicked him back, making the knife fall out of his hand. He grabbed Jessie by the throat and threw her over a car. Steve grabbed his shield, which was stuck in the door of a van, and began to fight the Winter Soldier again. Jessie recovered and pushed Steve out of the way, grabbing his shield, and fighting the Winter Soldier. She tried to attack him with the shield only to have it break the metal as he blocked the attack. She turned him around, punched him, then flipped him over her shoulder. When he fell, his mask came off revealing his face. He stood up and looked at her. Steve and Jessie were in disbelief.

“Bucky?” Jessie asked. She realized that he looked exactly like Bucky. The same blue eyes. Same face. Their hair was the same color.

“Who the hell is Bucky?” the Winter Soldier asked in reply. He grabbed a gun, and was about to point it at Jessie, but Sam kicked him out of the way. The Winter Soldier stood back up, looking at Jessie in shock as if he remembered her, but it was only for a second before he took the gun and pointed it to her. Natasha had fired a missile and the Winter Soldier disappeared. A team of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents made their way to the four that had just fought the Winter Soldier. When they got there, Rumlow and another Agent ran over to Jessie, telling her to get on her knees. The other Agent pointed a Sniper Rifle to her head. They heard a helicopter fly above them. Rumlow looked up then to the Agent with him.

“Not here, put the gun down,” he said. The man put the gun down, and they took Jessie, Natasha, Sam and Steve and brought them to a van.

“It was him,” Jessie said, looking at the floor of the van. They were heading back to S.H.I.E.L.D. Steve looked to Jessie. “He looked right at me, and he didn’t even know me.”

“How is that possible?” Sam asked. “That was like 70 years ago.”

“Zola. Bucky’s whole unit was captured in 43, Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall… I may be a scientist, but I can’t explain what he did to help Bucky. That’s why I found that trail of blood. He must’ve found him.”

“I don’t know, that’s your fault Jess,” Natasha said. Steve looked at Jessie who looked back down.

“Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky.” Sam noticed the blood from Natasha’s shoulder.

“We need to get a doctor here,” he said to the two soldiers in the van with them. “If we don’t put pressure on her wounds, she’s going to bleed out here in the truck.” The soldier on the left took out a tazer which made Sam keep quiet. They then shocked the other soldier with it, taking their helmet off revealing Agent Hill. Jessie looked at her.

“Ow, that thing was squeezing my brain,” she said looking at the helmet.

“Probably for people with small heads like Hydra,” Jessie said. Maria looked to Sam then back to Jessie.

“Who’s this guy?”

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