3. Just My Friends

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A/N: Edited.

Steve and Jessie walked into the VA. They heard a lady talking about a police man pulling her over suspecting she was drunk driving. After she had finished talking, Sam said something that made Jessie and Steve think.

“Some stuff you leave there,” he said. “Other stuff you bring back. It’s our job to find out how to carry. Is it going to be in a big suitcase? Or in a little man purse? It’s up to you.” The meeting ended and everyone left. Sam said bye to the woman who was the last to talk. He turned around and saw Steve and Jessie walk towards him. He walked to a small table with pamphlets and began to put them all together. “Look who it is. The running man. And woman.”

“Caught the last few minutes,” Steve said. “Pretty intense.”

“Yeah brother. We all got the same problems. Guilt. Regret.”

“You lose some one?”

“My wing man. Riley. Flying a night mission. Standard PJ. Op. Nothing that we hadn’t done a thousand times before. Till RPG knocked Riley’s dumbass out of the sky. Nothing I can do. It’s like I was up there just to watch. You lose someone?”

“She lost her wing man as well. Bucky. Train mission, 1944. He fell and was never seen again.”

“I set up a search mission,” Jessie said looking at the floor. “Found some of his blood. Brought it back for testing and that was the end for me. After he died, I was sent to isolation for people’s safety. Apparently I became a danger to the people around me. I’m sorry about Riley.”

“And I’m sorry about Bucky. After Riley’s death, I had a really hard time finding a reason for being over there, you know?”

“Are you happy now? Back in the world?”

“Hey. The number of people giving me orders is down to about, zero. So hell yeah. You thinking about getting out?”

“No… I don’t know… To be honest I don’t know what I would do with myself if I did.”

“Ultimate fighting? Just a great idea off the top of my head. But seriously, you can do whatever you want. What makes you happy?”

“I don’t know. I guess just being with friends and the people I care for most.” Jessie gave him a small smile.

“You know, Sam,” Steve began to say, “It’s a good thing we met you. No one has ever gotten Jessie to talk a lot more than she has today except for Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. Let alone about Bucky.” Steve put his arm around Jessie. “Not even Natasha has gotten her to talk.”

“Well I’m glad I met you two,” Sam replied with a smile. Jessie and Steve kept talking with Sam until they decided to leave. They had dinner and drove back to the apartment building. When they got upstairs, they saw a blond, they knew to be named Kate, walk out of her apartment on the phone. She noticed them and said bye, hanging up.

“My Aunt,” she said. “She’s kind of an insomniac.”

“Hey, if you want,” Steve said looking to the basket of laundry she had, “If you want, you’re welcome to use our machine. Might be cheaper than the one in the basement.”

“Oh yeah? What’s it cost?”

“Cup of coffee?” Kelly looked to Jessie who was standing behind Steve. She always thought Steve was in a relationship with Jessie.

“Thank you. But, um, I already have a load in downstairs and you don’t want my scrubs in your machine. I just finished a rotation in the infectious disease ward so…”

“Ah. Well. I’ll keep my distance.”

“Hope fully not too far.” She gave Steve a small smile. Jessie grabbed the apartment keys from Steve’s pocket and began to walk to the door smiling at the idea of Steve getting together with their neighbor. “Oh, and I think you left your stereo on.”

“Oh, right. Thank you.” Kate gave a quick smile and walked away. Jessie looked at the door and listened in. She heard jazz music playing. Steve looked to her, confused. She began to walk towards the stairs, heading to the side of the building to climb up the fire escape with Steve following. She opened the window to the apartment and climbed through. Steve followed. As Steve grabbed his shield, Jessie peered around the corner and saw Nick sitting in a chair in the living room next to the record player. Jessie leaned against the wall.

“I don’t remember giving you a key,” she said. Nick sat up, grabbing his phone off of the arm of the chair.

“You really think I’d need one?” he asked. “My wife kicked me out.”

“Didn’t know you were married.”

“A lot of things you don’t know about me.”

“I know Nick-“ she walked to the light switch, “-That’s the problem.” She turned the lights on and looked at Nick seeing his injuries. She gave him a confused look as he turned the light off and began to type on his phone. Ears everywhere.

“I’m sorry to have to do this, but I had no place else to crash.” He began to type again saying Shield compromised.

“Who else knows about your wife?” He typed You and me then stood up.

“Just my friends.”

“Is that what we are?” Steve asked. “Friends?”

“That’s up to you.” At that moment, someone began to shoot at the wall, hitting Nick in cold blood. Steve ran over to Nick, pulling him into the hall, as Jessie looked through the window and saw a man with a metal arm. Steve was about to move, but Nick tightened his grip on the Captains arm, making him stop. He handed Steve a flash drive, the one Natasha had on the mission.

“Don’t. Trust. Anyone.” The door was kicked open.

“Captain Rogers?” a familiar female voice asked. Jessie and Steve looked. “Sergeant Evans?” Kate had walked in carrying a gun. “Captain, Sergeant. I’m Agent 13 with S.H.I.E.L.D. Special Service.”

“Kate?” Steve asked.

“I’ve been assigned to protect you both.”

“On who’s order?” Jessie asked. Kate, or Agent 13, looked at Nick.

“His.” She kneeled next to Nick and checked his pulse. She took a walkie-talkie off of her belt. “Foxtrot is down. I need EMT’s.” Jessie looked back out the window and saw the man begin to leave.

“We need a twenty on the shooter,” a man replied.

“Tell them we’re in pursuit,” Jessie said dropping her gun and grabbing the metal arm off the table placing it over her own and jumped through the window to the other building. Steve followed. Both of them running as fast as they could to catch up with the man who shot Nick. They kept running till they reached the other side of the building they were in. They saw the man jump down to the building next to the one they’re in. Jessie and Steve jumped to the roof of the next building as Steve threw his shield at the man, who caught it like a Frisbee in his left hand. Jessie noticed that his arm looked much like her left arm except the star on his was red while hers is blue. The man looked at them, holding the shield. Jessie and Steve were in shock. The man looked as if he were sad, but he threw the shield back at Steve, who caught it. When he saw Jessie was distracted with seeing if Steve was alright, he threw a knife at Jessie, nailing it into her right arm. Steve looked up as Jessie pulled the knife out of her arm and ran to the edge of the building, seeing the man had jumped.

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