Chapter 5

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*Flash's POV*

I was walking home as the sun went down,I suddenly was in a hurry so I walked faster,then I started running,and I bumped into comet "whoops,sorry,your cometness...I mean your highness" but what I said,I didn't mean to do so at all,in fact I had no feelings for that un charming prince "guards these days...always bumping into people's business!" He shrugged,walking away.I growled back at him as if we were sworn enemies.

I finally reached my house.i was happy to be back home after all those days guarding Twili, I ate dinner and used my phone a little (iPhones were invented during this time already) used Facebook,checked wattpad,more stuff until I had an urge to go to bed.i couldn't sleep,I just kept thinking about liking twilight...I tried changing the topic in my mind like telling myself to think about my job or who's a better princess for equestria,but it just keeps coming back to me.I had an idea! I should act just liek a best friend to twili,so I can forget about all this,perfect!

*Twilight's POV*

I woke up,and the sunrise was for once perfect...sometimes the sun bumps the clouds,but this one was perfect! I have a feeling this is gonna be a good day.i was served a muffin,that wasn't burnt at all...liek always,but not now it wasn't...and I didn't have anything to do,I did nothing but use my iPhone and do some other stuff,Then I heard a knock "who is it?" I opened the door "here's your package,princess."

"This must be a mistake,I didn't order anything."

"You didn't order anything,someone gave dis to you, I dunno who did,but here you go" he said as he left

I checked what it was,and I saw...a chocolate statue of my cutie mark! I looked to find out who it was from,and I found a note that said

Dear twilight

Hey,twili! Hope u received the chocolate statue,I made I myself....anyways! How's life? Getting better? Hope so...and yah...I'm inviting u to have a walk together in midnight,ya friends and all,not as a couple cause that's a bit crazy for a knight to be dating and engaged princess...awkward...hope you liek the statue and hope you can come,enjoy life and YODO (you only die once).

One of your best friends,Flash

I grinned slowly and texted him,saying I'll meet u there at 10:00pm sharp,I feel that this is gonna be a good night...

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