Ten Years Later

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Thought I owed u guys one more chapter to end it finally with Charlie and Hannah! Enjoy <3333

Thought I owed u guys one more chapter to end it finally with Charlie and Hannah! Enjoy <3333

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Ten Years Later


Summer ended and it was time for school again, me and Hannah finally decided to try the long distance for a while. She got an opportunity to a full ride scholarship from the editor she met at Dartmouth to transfer to NYU and work on her dream to be a writer. Finally being with her I never wanted to let her go. Going through ups and downs, but I loved fighting with her, because she liked to forgive me. Hannah loved how I was so easy going about things but sometimes when I forgot events like parties, she got frustrated with me. I made it up with dinner dates

Three years in, we graduated I proposed to her the night her and my family went to dinner. She was elated, tears in her eyes when she said yes. We planned for a fall wedding since it's less windy and Hannah loved the colors of the leaves when it changed. The wedding almost didn't happen when she had to go to California to promote a book she helped cowrite. My startup technology company called Techco became successful, holding up the wedding again. The wedding finally happened, small with friends and family. Linda was her maid of honor, Eddie was a groomsman with Max, Louis and Austin. Linda and Eddie made up and got married right before us after graduation; she was pregnant during the wedding. Max engaged to a girl named Terry and they were getting married soon. Lucy was invited too, with her husband Seth. They got back together during university. Hannah decided to invite her when they became tolerable with each other. Louis met someone named Alicia, been together for six months.

A year after the wedding, we moved to a three story black and white house in Maryland. Five bedrooms, three bathrooms, burgundy kitchen, it was perfect. Hannah announced to me that she's pregnant while we were having dinner for the first night in our new house. "That's amazing! I'm gonna be a dad!" I yelled excited and hugged her tightly but not too tight. She muttered an 'I love you'. My love for her was too much, we shared a passionate kiss.

Nine months later, our baby girl Sylvia was born. She looked exactly like Hannah but brownish blonde. Seven years later, Hannah was pregnant again with our boy Mark. The spitting image of me. We've been in bliss ever since.


"Okay see you tomorrow with Louise, love you." Hannah hung up and started writing again on her laptop to finish her novel. Her last book "Me and him" made the New York bestseller list. "Was that Linda?" I asked as I made my way to the bed, lying next to her.

"Yeah, she said that she's gonna bring her daughter, Louise tomorrow for a playdate with Sylvia and Mark."

"Okay. So what are you writing?"

"Just some notes for a story."

"About what?" I placed my chin on her shoulder for a peek on her screen.

"I don't know yet." she muttered as she continued to write lines on Microsoft word.

"Write a vampire story based on us," I said jokingly. Hannah peeked with a playful glare and continued writing.

"Where are the kids?"

"Watching TV."

"Wait what time is it right now?"

"Almost six."

"Oh." Her eyes haven't left the screen, I began nibbling on her shoulder, pecking it for her to take a break. "Charlie," she whined but I continued to do it.

"The kids are downstairs and I have to figure out a story," she tried to push me away but I climbed on top of her. She pushed her laptop to the side, kissing my neck and collarbone, going to her lips.

"You can do all that later and the kids are so into their show that they won't notice," I said in a low, husky voice making her shiver. After all these years, she still drove me wild with lust.

"Yeah but I don't want them to feel like they're neglected or something," she whispered into my mouth.

"You're not, you're a great mother. Don't doubt yourself," I brushed her cheek gently and kissed her again.

"You work yourself so hard sweetie, you need some relaxation sometimes."

"Says the man that works four days a week, plus weekends."

"But I get time off since I own the place."

"Oh well excuse me, mr. CEO," she said sarcastically.

"Hannah, don't start."

"I'm not, I'm just trying to write a good story."

"And you will, right now I think we should focus on less clothing." She giggled at him as I kissed her neck again.

"Did you think that we would last this long?" she asked.

"I didn't think, I knew. I will always love you, bubbles."

"I will always love you too, loopy." Her smile wide and beautiful since the day I met her, we shared a passionate kiss, but stopped when she heard Sylvia yelled out our names. We both got up and descended to the stairs, going down to a mess of paper towels and glue.

"MOM, MARK MADE ME MESS UP MY PROJECT!" Sylvia, our seven year old yelled. She was supposed to be making a snowman for her class with popsicle sticks and cotton balls. She said that she could do it herself but now there's a mess. Three year old Mark just laughed, saying "lots of snow!". Hannah grabbed Mark and picked him up to hand to me. "Go clean him up and I'll handle this."

"Okay," I pecked her lips before heading upstairs, causing the kids to say ew. Hannah laughed to herself and started cleaning up the dining area. Looking back she saw me and smiled. I smiled back, heart warm and full I'm one of the luckiest men alive my beautiful family and friends. To think I almost lost her with my insecurities and selfishness. Things happen and people make mistakes, but as always you can prevail with love.

Finally its over! A long and emotional ride for this story and i love the rewrite so much, hope you do too. Thank you so much for everyone that has been waiting so patiently for the chapters, its all for you guys that has been with me for so long. I love you so much! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

 I love you so much! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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