Epilogue part two

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Epilogue part two

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Epilogue part two


Driving home felt so surreal, I finished my freshman year of university. I didn't get drunk at parties or anything but I was elated at how much experience and what I could do when I'm not living with my parents. I met some nice coeds, Brent being one of them, black hair and brown eyes he helped me with art class when I didn't have some of the supplies. We developed a crush on each other, dated for a month but there was no spark between us. My roommate, Cecilia, she was tolerable but I didn't see much of her in the dorm. She was either in her boyfriend's frat house or at a party. It left me time alone most of the time, I didn't mind when she played loud music or brought her boyfriend over sometimes but we did have a little spat when it came to keeping food in the mini fridge.

She left takeout in there for two weeks and it had a horrible smell. I told her about it, and she said I didn't respect her space and things. It's not like I threw it away, but she said I complained too much. We talked it out and we became good friends. Linda, Eddie and I three way video chatted for half of the semester but we had to stop when finals came to kick us in the ass. They've both been doing well: Linda said she stayed single but dated around. Eddie was dating a girl named Laura, going strong for five months. Linda's coming home for the summer but Eddie isn't because he has an internship to France, so cool. I still talked to Max and Louis but it's sporadic. I heard that Lucy went to NYU, got a little annoyed that she's there with Charlie. Don't fret, me and Charlie do still speak and he told me that he was seeing someone named Amy. I was happy for him but a little pain in my chest occurred, I couldn't get jealous or anything because we're taking a break. I thought about making a visit to his school to meet up but that seemed a little possessive of me.

Parking my red Subaru dad got for me over the summer for my graduation gift, I opened my door to retrieve my luggage. "Hannah, you're home!" Mom exclaimed when she opened the front door greeting me.

"Mommy hi!! I missed you," we embraced each other for a tight hug, mom almost made us fall to the ground but we didn't thankfully.

"I missed you so much, sweetie," I could hear the strain in her voice, she was holding back tears but didn't cry.

"Honey you lost so much weight, do you even eat there?" She asked, letting go of me as she had a worry look examining my body.

"I did," I said rolling my eyes. The meal plan had a variety of food, I ate from vending machines and even snacked on pudding cups that I bought from a nearby shop at the school. Adding stress from assignments and exams, all I could do was eat. What was she talking about?

"You're skin and bones, Hannah!" Mom scolded.

"Mom, I gained the freshman 15."

"Honey stop," dad chimed in, approaching us.

"Hi daddy!" I shouted and jumped into his arms, he spun me around.

"I missed you kiddo."

"I missed you too, dad."

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