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Hey there my buds


-Inks POVxb

The gentle creek echoed in the bathroom. I grabbed my towel and dried myself gently. I shiver slightly as the cold breeze hit my bare bones. I wrapped the towel around me and walked out of the bathroom of me and Blue's dorm. I briskly walked to my room and closed the door and changed into a light green dress. I smile gently at the dress and rub the fabric between my fingers. Sighing softly, I let go of it as it reminded me of... never mind.

I open the door and put on my backpack., I grab my bag and the keys to our dorm. "Blue! I'm going!" I yell out. I could hear some rustling and something thud on the ground and then Blue opened his door. "Wait! I gotta come too!!" He said in a frantic. He had his bag slung over his shoulder, which was opened, and his clothes were all on backwards.

"Then hurry up! I'm gonna be late!" I said while snickering. Blue ran into the bathroom and did his stuff. I laughed a bit and sat down and texted Dream. I guess we made up once high school was over. But as soon as we made up... Error left me... Nevermind.

I heard the bathroom door open. "Ok! I'm ready!!" Sblue said. He then tilted his head at me, "what?" I asked. "Why... are you wearing that? I thought you didn't like that dress." He said. "Well...I-I just wanted to... I just wanted to see him again..." I muttered. "But anyways! Let's get to class!" I said as my dad mood instantly tried to lighten things up though it wasn't helping.. at least for me. I smiled a big smile. Blue smiled back, "Alright!!" He said cheerfully.

I sigh softly and got up and put my blue jacket around my waist while putting on brownish sneakers. Another day in this place called College.

-3rd POV-

Geno sat in his class bored as he was early... again. I mean, he is a dumbass for coming to class 50 minutes early. Like what the hell geno?! The big doors to the auditorium creaked open. Geno's head shot towards the sound looking to see who it was that opened the door. To his surprise it was Reaper.

"Reaper? Why the hell are you here so early?" He asked as he was confused as hell. He knew very well that his boyfriend would NEVER be early to ANY class.

"Well, I'm here to spend to with you!" The taller replied while making a small heart with his bony hands towards Geno. Geno rolled his eye-lights and chuckled. "Fine. But didn't I tell you to make use of yourself by doing something useful?" The small skeleton asked as the taller sat in the seat next to him. "I am, I'm spending time with my loved one." Reaper said and wrapped his arm around Genos shoulder. Geno giggled a bit and slightly leaned towards Reaper, "whatever asshole." He said as he playfully punched Reapers arm. Reaper laughed and kissed Geno softly. Geno happily kissed back but it was a quick kiss, yet full of love.

Geno leaned more into Reapers warmth. "Love ya." Reaper said. Geno rolled his eye-lights more with a small blush. "I love you too asshole." He mumbled. Reaper chuckled and snapped his fingers and two Starbucks drinks appeared. "Here you go love." He purred softly and gave Geno his coffee. He smiled, "thank you!". "No problem Love." Reaper said and started to drink his drink while Geno gently cuddled against Reaper. Reaper really loved and cherished these moments because moments like these rarely happened due to Genos tsundereness.

Reaper smirked as he decided to push his boundries. He put his finger under Genos chin and gently lead Genos face to his. He pulled Geno into a deep kiss. Geno kissed back. He didn't mind a kiss like this. Reaper gently cradled Genos red dusted cheek. Genosmiled softly into the kiss.

Reaper pushed his boundries again and licked Genos teeth for entrance. Geno frowned as his red cheeks became more opaque. Geno gently pushed Reaper away. Reaper whined softly.

"The hell are you trying to do!?" Genos screamed at Reaper. Reaper chuckled, "cmon Geno~ No one's here~" he purred seductively and wrapped his hands around Genos waist. "No Reaper!!......... later..." mumbled Geno. Reaper chuckled as blue dusted his cheeks. "Alright my love~" he chuckled. Geno grumbled and faced away from Reaper. Reaper frowned playfully and rested his head in the crook of Genos neck. "Aww~ don't be like that baby~" he said and gently kissed Genos neck.

Geno gasped softly and hit reaper on the head with his notebook. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT!?" He screamed. Reaper winced a bit. "Ouch..." Geno didn't care and kept on hitting reaper with his notebook. It wasn't as painful as getting stabbed just a little sting. Reaper laughed at Geno blocking himself from the notebook.

Why? A sequal to ~Errink~ by Undertale34Where stories live. Discover now