"I do care for her a lot. I will do anything to help get her back. I just can't understand why this asshole is so obsessed with her." He said to me. I could hear Kendra's mother still sobbing behind us.

"Why don't we go chat somewhere more private. I don't want to put more stress on her parents." I said to him. He nodded and lead me out onto the balcony.

Once we were alone Paxton turned to me. "So how do you know for sure that it is Ryker?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"I don't know for sure, but who else would it be. He has been obsessed with her since she left him." I already knew this.

"What do you know about him? Is there somewhere he would go with her?" He shook his head.

"I don't know much about him. He just showed up one day and she became infatuated with him. He was a nice guy at first, although he never liked me. Then they moved in together and he became controlling and possessive." This wasn't really helping much, but then again I didn't expect him to know much. "I'm sorry I'm not much help. Ryker kept her away from us all so I never got to know much about him. I do know that I didn't like him from the start. There was something about him that was off." He looked down at the ground as if he was regretting something. "By the time I had figured out what kind of guy he was it was to late and she was in the hospital. I kick myself everyday for not being there for her." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"There was nothing you could do for her then. She had to figure it out on her own, but now your here and we can work together to find her." He nodded and we went back inside. I decided that we all needed a good night's rest and then we could start looking in the morning.

Kendra's POV

When I woke up I was chained to the bed and Ryker was sitting at the end of it. He touched my leg and I immediately withdrew it from his grip and sat up into a ball at the top of the bed. "Please don't be like that Kendra. I'm sorry it has to be like this, but I can't trust that you won't run away." He said to me. I hated him and everything about him.

"What do you want from me, Ryker? You can't possibly be with me. I'm not a wolf like you." He looked at me in amazement.

"How do you know what I am?" I looked at him.

"I saw you in your wolf form when Matto thought he killed you. I wish he had." I spit out at him. I saw the anger in his eyes as he stood up and started pacing the room.

"Well, Kendra there is something you should know. Your parents aren't your real parents. You were adopted when you were just a baby." I looked at him in shock.

"Your lying! You know nothing about me." I shouted at him. He stepped closer to me and I tried to back away but the wall was right there.

"Am I lying? Tell me Kendra haven't you ever wondered? You look nothing like either of your parents or your sister." He was right about this. I had asked my parents when I was only eight. I remember because I was upset about something some kids had said at school one day. The kids had said that I was adopted because my parents looked different. I had come home crying and asked them about it. They had told me I wasn't adopted then but I think I had always wondered. "There is more. Your real parents were wolves. They were originally from the same pack as I was. When my parents decided to go rogue so did yours. See our parents and a few others didn't like our Alpha or his rules. So they all left and formed their own pack."

I couldn't believe what he was saying to me. "Your wrong. I am not a wolf. I have never shifted or anything." He laughed.

"That's because you never knew about your heritage. Your parents were killed when you were only six months old. They had taken you into town to look for work. They were killed by some muggers who surprised them. The muggers left you alone and some passer byers found you and that's how you were adopted. Our pack tried to find you, but we never could. Until I came across you that day." So he was telling me that I was a wolf and I was adopted? This is crazy!

"I don't believe you. Go away and leave me alone!" I shouted at him. He backed away and walked to the door.

"Don't believe me if you want but it's true. You are one of us and you belong to me whether you like it or not." He walked out and slammed the door behind him leaving me to my thoughts.

Could he be telling me the truth? If he was it would explain why I had such an attraction to Matto and why I was having the dreams I was. I had just thought the dreams were because I cared so much for Matto, but now it made me wonder. I sat on the bed and started to cry. "Please hurry up and find me, Matto," I said out loud to myself. I had so many more questions than answers and I didn't trust Ryker enough to ask him. Then I thought about the night that Matto and I almost had sex. I remembered the feeling I had and how my body was acting when he touched me. "Ryker!" I yelled out for him. He walked into the room.

"What!?" I looked at him and at first, I didn't know if I wanted to ask. I wanted to know the answer though.

"When you shift what happens?" He looked at me and smiled.

"Well first your body temperature rises and you feel like something is trying to take over. Then when you let it take over you feel amazing and free." It was just what I expected. "Anything else?" He asked me. I shook my head and he left the room. Maybe he was telling the truth. I laid back and started to cry again. I have to get out of here and soon.

A/N: Hey everyone hope you liked this chapter. 😁😁 Please Don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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