Chapter Four

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Bailey's POV

I pulled into my driveway after a long day of work. I slam the door closed and lock my car. I unlock the front door and open it widely and scream "I'm back bitches" as I walk in. Both Lillie and Alexa run down the stairs with eager eyes. 

We all walk towards the living room and fall into beanbags and start discussing what we are going to do to try and win this competition Grayson announced. We are all sitting in a mini circle type situation with a bag of Doritos and guacamole in the middle of us.   

"So what do you think we should do," Alexa asks curiously, stuffing her face with guac.

"Well," Lillie replies "I feel like we should do art."

"Yeah definitely" Alexa replies quickly. 

Then they both look at me, obviously for approval of their idea.

"Yeah, I agree, you two are both pretty good at art and I could even do a makeup look inspired by something iconic of the twins for a bigger chance of  us winning If you want, even though you guys don't really need the extra help I mean come on you both made it to the art showcase in New York!!"

Their eyes widened, they knew I was really good at makeup. Definitely not good enough to be a professional makeup artist but when I was still in school, girls asked me to their's all the time. 

"YES!!" they scream in unison "That would be amazing" Alexa continues.

"Ok then it's settled, Let's go to the mall to get some materials," I say.

We all run out the front the door and jump into m car. 

Alexa's POV 

Lillie, Bailey and I all run out of the house and jump into Bailey's car to get some supplies for the fan art we're going to make to try and win the competition for the tickets.

*skip car ride*

We arrive at the mall and Bailey parks her car. We decide to go to Sephora first because Bailey needs to get some stuff from there and Lillie and I also want to look at some of the makeup. Bailey walks straight over to some colourful liquid lipsticks and gets a few purple and blue shades as well as an eyeshadow palette with mainly cool tones in it. 

She goes and pays for it and we leave and go to Micheals. Lillie and I walk straight over to some really good quality paper, grab some a few packs of pencils that we've seen super good reviews on online, and some other random stuff to help us. We grab everything and go pay. We all walk out and we're all pretty hungry so we decide to go to this cute little cafe close to the mall. 

*skip to cafe*

We all walk into the cafe and slip into a table in a corner away from everyone else. We all ordered acai bowls and started to talk about what we were going to do for this competition. 

"Well I think I'm going to do something inspired by Tunesday" Bailey exclaimed

"YESSSSSS!!!" I reply excitedly.

"What do you think we should do?" Lillie questions as she shoots around to me. 

"I honestly don't know, I feel like we should just go for it ya know," I say in response. 

"Honestly," Lillie pauses, "I think that will work best, not even think about it."

"Well let's do it" Bailey shouts as we finish our acai bowls.

A/N: Hey guys, i feel like this is kinda a boring chapter but oh well. I'm slowly getting there. Please like and comment it would mean a lot!

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