CHAPTER 40 - Crank Tunnel

Start from the beginning

We've been on the road for an hour now, travelling up the side of a vast mountain, overlooking the whole Scorch in vividly painful detail. I never thought I'd have to set eyes on those steep orange dunes again, each mound of sand a reminder of those difficult days in the Scorch. I open my eyes, tugging my hair back and weaving a side braid on my shoulder, pulling the hair out of my face. The likelihood of running into danger is high in the Scorch, so I want to be as prepared as possible if it comes to that. When it comes to that.

"Are there any towns between here and the city?" I ask Brenda.

"Doesn't look like it," she replies, referring to the map once more. She squints harder, holding the map closer. "It's just this road for a while until there's a checkpoint to get into the city. It looks like a tunnel."

I nod slowly. "But we're runaways... they'll catch the boys before we do..."

Jorge looks at me from his rear view mirror. "WICKED are the the least of your worries, hermana. That tunnel's been overrun by Cranks for years now, that's why I never went back. Let's just hope they have the sense to turn back like I did."

I shake my head, my eyes widening in horror. "But... Jorge, you know them, they won't turn back for anything." 

"I figured about as much..." he mumbles, pressing harder on the accelerator. 


Four slow hours pass. We finally get off the mountains and weave through the valleys, the tracks covered in golden sand. Overturned cars line the sides of the road, metal and shrapnel scattering the sand, but there's been no sign of obvious life other than us. 

"It's like the world is haunted," I mutter, looking out to the still, mountainous landscape. Brenda nods, swallowing. 

"The tunnel isn't too far away, though..." she replies quietly. 

"There!" Jorge exclaims suddenly, causing me to jump. 

"What?" I ask, leaning forward. "Is it the tunnel?"

"No, tracks!" he grins, pointing to the road. Sure enough, amongst the sand-covered road, there are fresh prints of tyre marks, leading along the road. I let out a relieved, disbelieving laugh, but I notice Brenda wears a concerned expression. 

"Brenda?" I say hesitantly. "What is it?"

"Jorge, stop the car," she hisses.  

The truck slows to a halt as we all sit in silence, listening closely. Brenda rolls a window down, her lips parting as if she's about to say something, before several loud, ear-splitting shrieks cut her off. The familiar screeches causes the hair on my arms to stand on edge, making my breath hitch in my throat.


"Go, go!" she yells, rolling the window back up as the truck speeds up, sliding along the road. My heart pounds against my chest as we rush through the valley, jolting over potholes as the sounds get closer. We drive along the road until we round a corner, finally able to see past the mountain on our side. A large, gaping tunnel stands in the side of a mountain up ahead, pitch-black and uninviting. 

"That's it!" I cry out.

We get closer to the tunnel, Jorge turning the headlights on. Immediately I see a wave of pale, ghostly faces, illuminated by the flickering car lights. Their eyes are wide with insanity, dark blood flying out of their mouths. Their thrashing bodies move towards us, roaring as we approach them. 

"Hold on!" Jorge yells. The truck hits the Cranks with such an immense impact that my head hits the back of Jorge's chair, but I hastily compose myself, staring out of the back of the truck where the hoard of remaining Cranks stumble after us. Jorge laughs wildly as he slams into more Cranks up ahead, sending bodies flying forward. I perk my head up as the sounds of gunshots echo throughout the tunnel, one after the other. 

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