
328 9 7

A/N : WOW! I meant to publish this yesterday but I never did yikes! Happy belated birthday riquipuig !! I hope you had a great one! Also, there's a reference to Dancer9816 interactive as well! Haha!

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Liked by (@)julianbrandt (@)leon_goretzka and 99,578 others

(@)mpulisic Wishing this pretty girl a BIG Happy Birthday....or wait no! Feliz Cumpleaños? Bon anniversaire? Alles Gute zum Geburtstag? I give up....... 😂❤️🎉✨


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(@)deedee_pulisic Happy Birthday Alexia! ❤️

(@)modahoud19 Can I get you two to go? 😍🤤
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)modahoud19 Just stop trying you idiot 🤦🏻‍♀️

(@)cmpulisic Happy Birthday (@)alehernandez 😛 you're a loser just like my sister 😂
↘️(@)annaaareus (@)cmpulisic Don't do my girl like that! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BBY! 😘😘

(@)alehernandez HAHAHA! THANK YOU MAGS! 😘❤️🎉ILY
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)alehernandez YOU'RE WELCOME! ILY TOO! ❤️

(@)julianbrandt Who took the photo tho?
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)julianbrandt This blonde haired German guy! I don't think you know him.....

(@)jannisbrandt You two are models 🔥👌🏻
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)jannisbrandt I could never model......I'd fall too much 😂
↘️↘️(@)cmpulisic (@)mpulisic (@)jannisbrandt Plus she's ugly
↘️↘️↘️(@)mpulisic (@)cmpulisic (@)jannisbrandt We're twins Chris! We have the same freaking face!
↘️↘️↘️↘️(@)annaaareus (@)mpulisic (@)cmpulisic (@)jannisbrandt WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT USING THAT COMEBACK OH MY GOD!
↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️(@)jannisbrandt (@)annaaareus (@)mpulisic (@)cmpulisic Woah woah woah! I didn't mean to cause World War 3!

(@)kaihavertz29 Formal wear 😍
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)kaihavert29 You should try wearing some 👊🏻
↘️↘️(@)kaihavertz29 (@)mpulisic Ouch my heart 💔

(@)kriekrie_park Happy birthday Ale!

(@)leon_goretzka MY LOVE 😍😍 oh and Mags
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)leon_goretzka Damn 😭
↘️↘️(@)alehernandez (@)mpulisic (@)leon_goretzka HI BBY!! 😘😘
↘️↘️↘️(@)mpulisic (@)alehernandez (@)leon_goretzka OOP get me out of here!

(@)jacobbruunlarsen 😍

(@)theo3hernandez Why were you two wearing such tight dresses? 🤬
↘️(@)alehernandez Stop harassing us you punto 🙄

(@)marcinho11 You two look stunning! Happy birthday (@)alehernandez ❤️

(@)mariogotze Happy birthday Ale!

(@)Queen_Evie HAPPY BDAY! 🥰

(@)f.weigl I better get a birthday post too!
↘️(@)annaaareus (@)f.weigl She didn't give me one!

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