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Liked by (@)cmpulisic (@)sergiogm_10 and 108,832 others

(@)mpulisic Ran into this guy at the mall today........he's pretty cool 😎

👤 (@)julianbrandt

View all 614 comments

(@)annaaareus I've got my crumpets all ready, now SPILL THE TEA!
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)annaaareus First of all, DON'T YELL AT ME! Second of all, I already spilled the tea 😂 I saw him at the mall and actually went up to him and said proud!
↘️↘️(@)annaaareus (@)mpulisic I am very proud of you 😂👏🏻

(@)cmpulisic The poor guy had to run into you of all people? The horror! 😲
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)cmpulisic Did I ask for your commentary? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no 🙄
↘️↘️(@)cmpulisic (@)mpulisic Did I ask for you as my twin? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no
↘️↘️↘️(@)pulisicfans_usa (@)cmpulisic (@)mpulisic Sibling rivalry at it's finest 😂👏🏻

(@)kreikrei_park WHAAA! You're a lucky girl! I'm happy for you unnie! 💖

(@)Queen_evie OMG

(@)alehernandez 😏😏

(@)deedee_pulisic You look pretty sista!
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)deedee_pulisic Thanks boo!

(@)julianbrandt Definitely not as cool as you 😎👌🏻
↘️(@)welovebrandt (@)julianbrandt YOU COMMENTED AW!

(@)mariogotze Awwww pretty Pulisic made a new friend!
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)mariogotze Pleaseeee stop calling me that 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ it sounds like I'm a kindergartner or something
↘️↘️(@)mariogotze (@)mpulisic Are you not?😱

(@)mphilipp A great young footballer! Glad you could meet him!

(@)rbuerki You guys look like you've already known each other for ages 😂

(@)f.weigl Did you tell him you think he's cute?
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)f.weigl Flor!! Shut up!
↘️↘️(@)f.weigl (@)mpulisic Did you ask for his number?
↘️↘️↘️(@)mpulisic (@)f.weigl (@)marcinho11 Marco, please get your woman 🤦🏻‍♀️
↘️↘️↘️↘️(@)julianbrandt (@)mpulisic (@)f.weigl She didn't ask for my number but I'd gladly give her mine 😜
↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️(@)marcinho11 (@)julianbrandt (@)mpulisic (@)f.weigl Are you sure you want me to get her? Seems like she kinda helped 😂

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