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(@)julianbrandt posted a picture

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(@)julianbrandt Couldn't be happier 🙏🏻

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(@)jaschabrandt Congrats bro 👏🏻
↘️(@)julianbrandt (@)jaschabrandt Thank you 😀

(@)kaihavertz29 Good job my dude 👍🏻 let's celebrate soon!
↘️(@)julianbrandt (@)kaihavertz29 FIFA at my place? 😂
↘️↘️(@)kaihavertz29 (@)julianbrandt Hell yeah 😂👌🏻

(@)kevin_volland 🔥🔥

(@)saam_schreck Killing it broski 👊🏻
↘️(@)dkohr21 (@)saam_schreck Who even uses the word broski anymore?
↘️↘️(@)saam_schreck (@)dkohr21 🙄 piss off

(@)leonbailey_9 My boy! 🙌🏻

(@)panosretsos 😎😎

(@)jannisbrandt I think your new friend might've been the reason you scoreddddd but hey 🤷🏻‍♂️ that's none of my business 😂
↘️(@)jaschabrandt (@)jannisbrandt (@)julianbrandt He was definitely trying to show off! I even thought I saw him wink afterwards.....😏
↘️↘️(@)kaihavertz29 (@)jaschabrandt (@)jannisbrandt (@)julianbrandt Hmmmm Julian wanted to impress his new lady friend 👀
↘️↘️↘️(@)julianbrandt (@)kaihavertz29 (@)jaschabrandt (@)jannisbrandt You all can go to hell 😂
↘️↘️↘️↘️(@)jannisbrandt (@)julianbrandt (@)kaihavertz29 (@)jaschabrandt Okay, see you there 😜

(@)marcinho11 Good job today!
↘️(@)julianbrandt (@)marcinho11 Thank you! Same goes to you!

(@)toni.kr8s 🎉

(@)juweigl Proud of you blondie!

(@)welovebrandt CONGRATS JULIAN! 👏🏻👏🏻

(@)mpulisic It was an amazing goal! So glad I could be there to witness it in person!
↘️(@)julianbrandt (@)mpulisic Like you said....I'm pretty cool 😎😂 but seriously thank you! I'm happy that you were there 😊

(@)julianbrandtfans ^^Definitely peeping this 😱

(@)jok_32 Main man getting those dubs 🤙🏻

(@)cmpulisic followed you
(@)annaaareus followed you
(@)deedee_pulisic followed you

(@)mpulisic posted a picture

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(@)mpulisic Your favorite Pulisic twins took on Germany vs Peru 🔥OH and a shaky camera 😬


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(@)f.weigl Throw all the shade you want 💁🏻‍♀️ I know you're just jealous of my photography skills 😉
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)f.weigl Whatever let's you sleep at night.....

(@)cmpulisic 🇩🇪🇩🇪

(@)annaaareus I'm totally salty you posted your pic with Christian but not me 😒
↘️(@)cmpulisic (@)annaaareus There's no need to be jealous love 😉
↘️↘️(@)mpulisic (@)cmpulisic (@)annaaareus If I remember correctly, we both had double chins in our picture together soooooooooo

(@)kelleypulisic My beautiful kiddos ❤️

(@)Queen_Evie Snacks 😍

(@)marcinho11 Glad you guys could be there!
↘️(@)juweigl (@)marcinho She came for Brandt🙄😂
↘️↘️(@)mpulisic (@)juweigl (@)marcinho11 Stop acting like your sister 🙃

(@)willpulisic Favs

(@)gallantchase Jeeezzz you guys are blurs 😂
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)gallantchase 🙄🙄

(@)alehernandez Sibling goals 😂

(@)logan.panchot Chris looks like he's high 😂
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)logan.panchot Doesn't he though!?

(@)julianbrandt Let's celebrate tomorrow! I'm gonna have a few friends over, bring whoever!
↘️(@)mpulisic (@)julianbrandt Sounds good! Thanks! 😀
↘️↘️(@)julianbrandt (@)mpulisic Awesome! I'll text you the address

(@)welovebrandt ^^ WHA

(@)pulisicfans_usa Maggie's gonna be pulling for Bayer Leverkusen instead of Dortmund soon! 😂

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