Chapter 1.Knowing Him

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Park Jimin who is a 24 years old male who lives in a condominium.He is a very handsome guy and mix with beautiful feminine features too.He has pink plump lips,milky white clear skin, long lashes,v jawline and he has monolid eyes.He is very serious when it comes to work.He put work first before anything.He works in a company called Dharma company. He's been working in the company since he was 19 years old.He got that job because of his father connections.

Park jimin is one of the greatest and skillful agent in the company.The Dharma company its a classified company that has been established by the government anonymously.Their job is to kill people that has been request by their clients. The clients have to make the payment first then they will do their job.The company does investigates some rare cases too.
Jimin who was eating his dinner which was a steak. He chews the meat and feel the meat juice burst out when he chews and swollowed the meat in satisfaction after a long day of work. Suddenly he got a phone call. Jimin sighed, puts his fork and knife down and pick up the call. "Hello Jimin,I know that u just got back from work but there is a client who wants you to take his request" said Yoongi who is the chief of the company. "ugh yoongi hyung just tell him that I don't want to take his request, I want to take a break from killing for a moment" Jimin said.

"I did tell him that u wanted to take a break but he doesn't want anybody else but you,because he heard that you are the most greatest and skillful agent in our field, he even said that he will triple up the payment" said Yoongi. "triple up? That means like a 800,000 dollar or something? But killing is such a pain in the ass, I have to drag the body and dump it somewhere that people cannot see uhh..but thats a lot of cash.. Hm" Jimin said to himself and think about it for a moment. Yoongi understand that Jimin silenced himself because he wanted to think about it deeply. After 5 minutes of silence Yoongi said "so I'm gonna tell him that you are going think about it, okay?". "yea yea sure, I think about it" Jimin said and hung up.

"hm so 800,000 dollars means like 893140000 million won or little more than that... That's kinda a great deal.. I usually got like 9 million wons per month without killing and if i killed somebody then it be like 30 million won per month... Ah I should make the decision tomorrow I'm too tired to think about this now" Jimin said as he grabs his fork and knife and cut the meat and enjoyed his dinner again with peace.

After he finished his dinner he went to took a shower and getting ready for his bed.As he was going to shut his eyes to sleep his phone notification rings up making him flinch because of the sound.He grunts and checked his notifications, Yoongi sent an email to him the details about his victim.Jimin chuckled, he didn't say to Yoongi yet that he is taking the mission but still Yoongi sent the information to him and so he checks the profile data and wonder who is his victim.Jimin saw his pics and feels bad for him "such a cute bunny smile he has, so sorry that u have to leave the world soon" Jimin said to himself.

As he kept on looking at his victim photos Jimin felt kinda excited to meet him because jimin wanted to see the bunny smile in real life and really wanted to see the smile infront of his own eyes. Something about him makes Jimin feels attracted.After looking at his pic Jimin didn't knew his name and just realised that so he checks what is his victim name is. "Jeon Jungkook, hm Jungkook what a cute name too bad that you are in the Jeon's family" jimin said.Jeons family is known for the most feared mafia because of their connection to other countries, makes them the nations feared mafia in Korea.Jeons family is known for doing drug trafficking, extortion, bottlegging, gambling, loan sharking and prostitution. whoever stands in their way they will not hesitates to kill them in one second but of course Jimin doesn't fear them because he likes challenging stuff. Neither the less, soon Jungkook is going to lead the Jeon's family as he is the first son and his father is getting old.Jimin knows that killing Jungkook is not going to be easy, he can't wait to have his fun.

Jimin smiled at the thought of meeting the bunny boy, he can't wait.Jimin smiled and shut down his phone, he put his phone under his pillow and closes his eyes too sleep.

AAA so it's the first chapter. Wdy think?

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