
14 1 0

   I groan, rubbing my eyes so they can adjust to the light. I look over to my right. "Six thirty-five" I mutter to myself.  I get out of bed and stretch. I look down to see I forgot t ok change when I got home. Oh yeah... pearl... I change into a dress and slip my stocking and boots on re-doing my hair as I walk out the door.

"So she finally comes out!" I hear Pearl exclaim. I ignore her and got to the fridge and pull out the coffee creamer and set it next to a cup Jasper had just got done pouring for me. "Thanks, hey Jasper I'm going to go see Bryan today if you don't mind." I say pouring the creamer into the coffee, stirring it before taking a sip.

"Oh, yeah sure go see your brother." She says and I put my coffee cup down walking to the couch and grabbing my shoulder bag and slinging it around me. "What! Why did you say yes, she going to Bryan." Pearl shouts getting mad. I sigh going over and drinking the rest of my coffee before setting the cup in the sink.

"Bye guys!" I shout as I head out the door. I jump off the porch and look around. The woods, so beautiful.  I'm actually really glad I live here. I go over to my Blue Jeep Wrangler and get in taking the keys out of my bag and start the car.

As I drive I hear my phone ring from my bag. I pull over to a gas station and grab my phone as I get out. "Hey, what's up?" I grab the gas pump putting it in my jeep. "Hey Gallxie, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" A voice asks as I admittedly recognize as Shawn. "Oh, I was heading over to my brothers do you wanna join?"

"Of course, were all bros!" Shawn yells. "Right well, I will pick you up after I get gas then we will head to Bryans" I say putting the gas pump up. "Cool! Anyways I'll see you later." He hums, "okay Shawn, bye" I say getting my card from my bag and placing it in the slot to pay. "Bye, My Diamond" he jokes. I put my phone in my bad and finish paying.

I get back in the jeep starting it up and driving off. Minutes later I pull into Shawn's driveway. I honk my horn and see him locking the door to his house. He jumps in and looks at me. "To Bryan's?" He asks, I nod "To Bryan's " I mutter.

"So have you talked to Bryan lately?" Shawn asks, attempting to make conversation.  I nod and say " talked to him yesterday... he was acting weird, asked about a portal" I say focusing on driving. I look over, he hesitates before going to speak. "What happened to you and him?" "What do you mean?" I ask. I know what he means.

After out dad died we fell apart. I had the gems, he had his mom and we went our separate ways... The gems took care of me so that 'one day I can be the perfect diamond.' Bryan went to stay with his mom and saved up his money and bought his pizzarea. After that he called and we talked.

We made up and we see each other now and then. We have not actually talked about what happened with dad and how we feel and all but we okay...

"You know what I mean..." Shawn's voice snapped me out of thinking.  "Yeah i do but... can we not talk about this?" I ask try not to be rude. "Hey, uhm sure... sorry if I pushed any buttons." He said scratching his neck. I see his emerald gem show on his shoulder. "So... are you getting any better on your gem skills?" I ask, he shakes his head.

"Not really... I was wondering if we could practice later..." he fades off unsure. "I mean, I'll have too see but we can." I say pulling into the parking lot outside Bryan's apartment.  "Well were here." I get my keys and shove them In my bag. We go up the stairs to Bryan's apartment. I knock, the door opens and I'm engulfed in a hug.

"Hey lil' sis, what are you doing?" He asks pulling away. "Hey big bro, I just came to see if you wanted to get lunch." I look at Shawn. "Oh and Shawn's here too" I say and look back at Bryan. "Oh we can go to my pizzarea! It's closed today and I was fixing to walk there." He says and I nod, "Sure we can go I've always wanted to see it." I say as we walk down and go to get in. "Oh and Gallxie, don't be afraid of the anamatronic's they won't hurt you." He says as I start the jeep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2018 ⏰

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