◇Ch. 2◇

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       I looked up at the gems and sighed. "Are you okay?" Padapaschaw asked. "Oh! Uhhh yeah Bryan was just acting very weird. We should keep going..." I rushed off only for Jasper to grab my arm. "C'mon! Stop acting like that!" Jasper said. I sighed and nodded as we continued on. "What's gotten into you latly?" Pearl asked and Ruby chimed in " you've been acting weirder than usual" 

    "O-oh I uhhh. Nothing it's just I've been thinking about all this diamond stuff a lot..." I trail off. "What about it?" Pearl implies pushing the subject. I didn't want to push pearl off in the wrong direction, she was... loyal to my mom and I didn't want her to get mad. "Oh, it's just that... I really don't think this diamond stuff is for me..." I say not wanting to make pearl mad. "But YOU are a DIAMOND and weather you like it or not you will become a well represented diamond and will be like your mother!" Pearl shouts.

   I jump slightly because of her tone. "Oh- okay yeah uhhh... I uhhh wasn't implying I was uhhh giving up or anything..." I mutter turning around and walking forward. "You and your human ways! This is ridiculous, you've spent too much time with bryan!" Pearl goes on. "Bryan is my brother and weather you like it or not I have a right to see him just because you take care of me does not mean you get to degrade me or bryan!" I shout running off.

   "Gallxie R.Diamond Silvers! Get your but back here right now young gem!" Pearl shouts as I hear jasper yell at ruby and rubbet to hold her back. I can hear padapaschaw predict something and jasper's foot steps coming after me. "C'mon just stop runnin' for a minute I wanna' talk to you!" Jasper shouts. I stop and turn to look at her.

  She stops a few feet away from me and sighs. "Hey pearl didn't mean what she said you know she was loyal to your mom and that was her mom, friend, and sister likes she was to us all..." I feel tears come to my eyes but I'm stronger than that. My Dad always said not to show weakness because I'm stronger that I look.

I smile and close my eyes. My Dad always brought me joy and when he died in the fire it crushed me. The gems, specifically pearl never liked him. She always thought if he never showed up in my Mom's life it would have been better. Know here she is raising me... I looked up at Jasper and said " pearl is always doing this and I always forgive but I can't keep on doing it... I fade off, suddenly finding the floor interesting...

  "Yeah I know, let's uhhh get back to the temple we can finish this tommarow..." Jasper says and I nod as we make our way back to the warp pad. "Hurry go hide in your room before pearl gets lose!" The rubies yell and I run to the warp pad and warp back home. I run to my room right before heard "Gallxie!" And it shut I jump on my island and land on my bed, submitting into an endless darkness...

A Red Diamond in a CrowdHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin