I Heard You

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Sodding Potter was in the damned hospital wing, again.

What did he do this time?!

Draco wondered as he walked down to the Great Hall. His question was answered when he overheard students conversing:

"Harry Potter fell into a coma from poisoning."

Draco's face paled but he kept going. He had to remember not to let anyone see how much he actually cared about Potter.

Only Pansy knew and she found out by catching him in an unlucky nightmare where Potter died to Voldemort and Draco might have screamed and cried a little. Fine fine he'll admit, a lot.

He sneered his usual sneer and he entered the Great Hall and took his seat next to Pansy, cutting her short from saying 'hi' with a question:

"What the fuck did Harry do?"

Pansy smirked an all knowing smirk and Draco felt his cheeks burn but he still looked at her pleadingly hoping to get an answer.

"Well, your little lover boy got poisoned by some strong poison and now he's in a coma."

Draco growled at how Pansy adressed Harry but said nothing more and he stood up:

"I'll go visit him, see you in class Pansy."

With that he walked out and toward the hospital wing, entering to see if there was anyone there, seeing noone he freely walked up to Harry's bed.

The boy was sickly pale but beautiful none the less. Draco sat next to the bed and sighed before speaking:

"Hi Harry. I hope you'll wake up soon, I'm really worried about you. There's so many things I wanna say to your face, but I just can't. I suppose I can now, even though you can't hear me. Well first off, I don't hate you, not at all, quite the opposite actually. I really love you Harry, and it breaks me when I have to insult you or your friends, but I have to because of my father and keeping up the Malfoy name reputation."

Draco stopped talking for a moment to take a breath and he observed Harry's chest slowly rising and falling rhytmically. It brought him peace that the boy was alive and was going to be okay.

"I really want to apologise to Granger and Weasley for how cruel I've been to them and to you too, so I guess I'll do it now, since I don't think I'll get another chance."

Another breath.

"I'm really so sorry Harry, for every mean word I've told you, for all the teasing and all the bullying, I'm so damn sorry and I want you to know so bad and even though you can't hear me now, I wanted to say it. I have to head to class now though Harry, I'll visit you again soon. Bye love."

Draco whispered and walked out to his class, feeling a ton better, as if a weight had been lifted off from his chest.

Back in the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey stood with a pleased, kind smile on her lips:

"I can't wait for you to wake up, Mr.Potter."


That night, a certain blonde boy snuck in the hospital wing to visit a raven haired patient.

He sat next to the bed once again and this time, sure noone would see him, he grabbed Harry's hand tightly.

"Hi Harry, I've come back to visit as I said I would. I hope you're closer to waking up even if it means we'll be back to being enemies. I really don't want that to happen but I s'pose it's how it has to be. I kind of miss looking at your pretty eyes already, because damn those things are green."

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