Facing What I Hid

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*Draco's P.O.V*

It was the stupid bloody Boggart class or whatever. Honestly, I felt it useless; what's good about exposing someone's biggest fear to a bunch of kids that will tease them about it later?

Eh who am I to talk, I'll probably tease the Golden Trio later on.

Bloody Potter.

I hate him!

"That's a lie." Pansy snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at her dumbly genuinely confused:

"What is?"

Pansy smirked. "You hating Potter."

My eyes widened and I replied a little too quickly:

"No it isn't. I cant stand him!" I fought the blush that wound up on my face anyways.

I mean, she was right but I would never let her know that. Or anyone.

Especially not him.

"You know it's pretty obvious to the outside world right Draco?"

Fuck. Was it?!

"Pansy for the last goddamned time; I HATE Potter."

Fucking bullshit Draco.

"I can smell the bullshit Draco, we can all see how you look at him." Pansy teased again, her smirk growing.

Okay, stop looking at Harry like he's a piece of meat and you're starved.

Got it.

"And we can all hear the way you talk about him."

Right, never speak of him unless alone and no paintings are alive.

Got it.

"And what you mumble in your sleep." Pansy ended, absolutely grounding me with that last one.

"I WHAT?!" I basically screamed at her.

I mumbled?

About Potter?

Oh fuck.

"You're better off not knowing Draco. Trust me." Pansy said with a look full of concern and warning.

"Tell. Me. Now." I hissed, fuming. I had a right to know what I mumbled in my own damn sleep!

"Well...at first it was just 'Potter' then 'Harry' then..." Pansy trailed off, a blush mixed with an evil smirk coating her face.

I gulped. What the fuck did I say?!

"Then...it escalated to..uhm..love confessions..."

I felt my face and heart drop. I felt my cheeks burn and I hid my face in my hands.

"No, NO, NOO!"

I could feel Pansy's tantalising smirk burn my skull.

"Shut up Pansy." I grumbled.

Then it was my turn to face the boggart.

And uh fuck.

It swirled for a while until it morphed into....Potter?

He fell to his knees and down, a long gash on his back.

He was dead.

No, wait, no no, please don't what?

No, he can't die, he can't DIE! NO please noo!

Nope I was not thinking right.

I pretty much stood there staring at the dead Harry before me, not flinching until someone walked in front of me.

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