Tae'n'Kookie 《Request 》

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She/he said Taehyung or Jungkook as the little but imma do both c:

hah :3

Enjoy -3-

💫Littles- Jungkook and Taehyung

🌟Daddies- Yoongi and Jin.


"Jin seriously it's harming their teeth" Yoongi huffed while thinking of a way to make little Kookie and Taetae quit their pacifiers.

You see, Jungkook and Taehyung were always given their pacifiers when in little space. It's a way for comfort but also it actually is starting to harm their teeth.

The problem is both the Littles love and I mean love their pacifiers.

"Yeah, but they have new ones literally everywhere..." Jin mentioned as he walked back into he living room with 2 cups of coffee for them both.

"Why not give them lollies instead?" Yoongi asked taking a sip from his coffee Jin gave him.

Both Yoongi and Jin tilted their heads slightly as they heard little giggles from the room they just put their littles down for a nap.

Both Jin and Yoongi stood up and went to the littles room seeing the cutest thing ever.

Jungkook and Taehyung were both cuddled together, with pacifiers in their mouths but they were randomly saying 'boop' and poking eachother cheeks or nose, followed by adorable giggles after.

"Boop" Jungkook muttered through his pacifier as he gently pokes Tae's nose. Then both Tae and Kookie stayed silent just looking at eachother for a second before bursting it a fit of giggles.

Jungkook seemed to be laughing so much he ended up falling backwards off the bed, luckly Jin moved quick enough and cought him before he hit the floor.

"You okay Bun?" Jin asked and sat on the edge of the bed placing Jungkook on his lap. Jungkook nodded in reply and cuddled into Jin's chest.

Yoongi was just standing by the door-way, zoned out till he heard little whines and looked up.

Taehyung way reaching towards Yoongi giving him grabby hands
"Uppies dwaddy.." Tae whined again but relaxed as Yoongi sat on the bed allowing Tae to crawl over to him and sit comfortably on his lap.

"Bun, What do you think about swapping this for a Yummy lolly?" Jin said gently tugging on the pacifier in Jungkook mouth.

Jungkook just whined and rubbed his cheek on Jin's chest. "I'll take that as a no.." Jin muttered and calmly rubbed Jungkook's back

"D-daddy I wan wo  swap for a wowy|Lolly|.." Taehyung whined and he tugged on Yoongi's shirt.

"Why don't you go with Jinnie and he can go get you one" Yoongi suggested and pointed to Jin who looked at Tae and nodded with a smile on his face.

"Okie pokie" Taehyung exitedly said, jumping of Yoongi's lap and clapped his hands happily. 

Jin patted Jungkook's back and he loosened his grip gently placing Jungkook on Yoongi's lap. "Stay with Yoongi, Bun" Jin said and walked off with am Taehyung holding his hand.

"Kookie, Hey bun why don't you want to swap it? You normally love lollies." Yoongi asked as Jungkook snuggled closer to him taking in his smell of cologne.

"Kookie no wan jus a wowy..." He muttered quietly while hiding his face in Yoongi's chest.

"Ok then. How abooout, we give you a jice warm bath and we can all have a movie day all day tomorrow?" Yoongi offered.

"Wid bubbles a-and TaeTae?" Jungkook looked up at Yoongi,his eyes swimming in exitement.

"Of course baby, now if you choose to swap go and find Jinnie and he will find you a lollipop while I fix you and Taetae a bath"

"O-oki.." Jungkook took his paci out his mouth, quickly stealing a kiss from Yoongi before hopping off his lap and waddling out the room to find Jin.


"J-Jinnie Kookie wan swap" Jungkook gently tugs in Jin's shirt trying to get his attention, which he did.

"That's great Bun" Jin smiled fishing out another lollipop for Jungkook, unwrapping it and giving it to him.
Jungkook hesitantly gave Jin his pacifier.

"Kookie TaeTae bath!" Yoongi yelled from their bathroom.
Jungkook instantly perked up rushing over to Tae who was on the couch. Kookie pulled Taehyung off the couch and took his hand wondering over to the bathroom, Jin following closely behind.

"Both strip and you can get in" Yoongi said as he walked off to grab some towels

Jin didn't question anything just sitting down on the closed toilet seat by the tub waiting to Yoongi to come back.

By the time Yoongi did get back both Jungkook and Taehyung were in the tub, opposite eachother playing about with the bubbles

"After bath are you all up for a movie night?" Yoongi asked, mainly towards Taehyung and Jin since he already knew Jungkook's answer.

Jin simply nodded with a quiet 'sure' but Taehyung said 'yes' over and over. He loves movie nights since him and Kookie always get cuddles.

"Okay then, let's get you two squeaky clean" Jin clapped his hands and picked up a bottle of shampoo.


"Yoon Yoooonie..." Taehyung poked Yoongi's cheek then squished them together "Yoonie-boo..." Taehyung stared at Yoongi before he hummed in reply "Cwddles...Jinnie is cwddling Kookie. Taetae wan Cwddles too.." Taehyung pouted.

Yoongi looked at the other couch and surely Jin and jungkook were cuddled up together a fluffy blanket over them, both staring at the movie that was playing.

"A'ight come here Taebear" Yoongi opened his arms, Taehyung instantly flopping down cuddling close to Yoongi. Yoongi pulled a fluffy blanket over both of them, loosely wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist and watching the movie like the other three.


Sorry it took so long.
It's kinda bad but I tried,hope you liked it >~<

Also they said 'it doesn't go down well' sorry I forgot that and only just remembered ;-;

Bts LittlesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora