Oopsie - Jimin

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💫Little- Jimin

⛤Caregivers- Bts

🌟Jimin's  Daddy- Yoongi

I was busy for a couple weeks sorry for not posting >~<

Yoongi and Jimin were the only two home for now, and they were currently in their shared room laughing their butts off. Yoongi mostly laughing at the noises Jimin was making.

Yoongi coughed trying to stop himself laughing but him and Jimin made silent eye contact before bursting out laughing again. So much that Jimin fell backwards off the bed onto the soft carpet with a quiet Thud.

Jimin went silent and Yoongi panicked thinking Jimin hurt himself.
Yoongi looked at the side of the bed
"What are you doing down there Chim?" Yoongi teased and held his hand out for Jimin

Jimin on the other hand grabbed Yoongi's hand tugging him down as well, Kind of back fired though because Yoongi landed right on top of him.

Yoongi was about to ask if he was ok but once he sat up Jimin said in a very hyper playful childlike voice "Oopsie poopsie" He then got up running off out the room giggling.

Yoongi chuckled at his childness and got up on a new Mission to find his little Chim.
"Chim Chim, baby where did you go?" Yoongi said even going the extra way to make his voice sound oblivious of where he is. When he really already knows where he probably is.

Yoongi walked past the couch to only be hugged from behind and then a slight weight was on his back. "Chim?"
Yoongi questioned and looked over his shoulder.

Jimin looked at Yoongi and smiled before kissing his cheek and moving to his front before hugging him tight, sighing in relaxation.

Yoongi picked Jimin up. Noticing how Jimin went limp in his grip. 'Probably tired' Yoongi thought

"Want a drink baby?" Yoongi asked bouncing Jimin in his arms playfully as Jimin hummed in agreement.

Yoongi went to the kitchen and popped Jimin down on the counter but Jimin didn't let go of Yoongi's shirt, his grip only got tighter.

Yoongi sighed and went the extra mile just to take his shirt off and went to the fridge getting the milk and Jimin's sippy cup.

While Yoongi prepared Jimin's drink Jimin was just sat there looking at the shirt in his hands confused. "Yoonie.." Jimin muttered before looking up making grabby hands at Yoongi.

Yoongi had his back to Jimin so he didn't notice till he heard quiet sobs and Jimin muttering 'Daddy' over and over.

"Mm? What is it Chim" Yoongi asked to only have Jimin yelling 'Daddy' at him before jumping at him and hugging him tight like his life depends in it.

Yoongi froze for a second since Jimin hadn't called and of the Bts members 'Daddy' yet.

Jimin chose him?

Yoongi chuckled and hugged Jimin back "Can I have my shirt back now?" Yoongi asked after they separated.

Jimin looked at the short in his hands and thought for a second before giggling and running off with it.

Yoongi sighed and face palmed before warming up Jimin's drink and walking back to their shared room to witness the most adorable thing he's ever seen in years.

Jimin had a black jumper on which was obviously Yoongi's by how big it was on Jimin. He also had a pink-ish orange (peach) coloured Pacifier in his mouth.

Jimin got up and walked over to Yoongi swapping the shirt I his hands For the sippy cup yoongi had. Smiling sweetly at him he went back to the bed sitting down cross legged.
Yoongi put his shirt back on and joined Jimin on the bed.

He doesn't know why but Jimin was trying to Drink from his sippy cup while he had his Pacifier in his mouth "Silly baby" Yoongi muttered, gently pulling the pacifier out Jimin's mouth.

"Oopsie" Jimin giggled and started drinking what Yoongi made him. At the same time Jimin crawled over to Yoongi who was sat leaning against the head board. Jimin sat comfortably on Yoongi's lap and continued drinking while Yoongi held his pacifier for him.

Jimin finished and put the sippy cup on the night stand they had next to the bed. Yoongi kissed Jimin on the lips and Placed the pacifier back in Jimin's mouth only for Jimin to take it out again.

Jimin did what Yoongi did, Kissed him on the lips before putting his pacifier back in his mouth and snuggling closer to yoongi.

Yoongi heard Jimin muttering the words 'oopsie poopsie' over and over in a sing-song kind of voice before it faded and Yoongi felt Jimin's Pacifier slip out his mouth since he fell asleep with  his lips parted slightly.

Yoongi smiled and kissed Jimin's forhead scooting down in the bed so he's laying on his back with Jimin on his chest and played on his phone while Jimin napped.
Thank you for 5k ^-^
I may post a Jungkook Littles one later on today or tomorrow called 'Nom' for reasons which are in the book.

Thank you all once again for 5k I didn't expect people to even read my book :3

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