Yoongi 《 Request 》

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CyrusStrange wanted a Yoongi one and ma friend CiaraLovesBTSLeslie helped me with the story idea

🌟Little - Yoongi

💫Caregivers - Bts

⛤Main Caregivers - Namjin couple
(Fight me xD)


All the members were out practicing so it was only Yoongi left at the dorm. Which mind, was a bad idea since Yoongi was asleep when then left.

Namjoon did leave a note on a sippy cup on the kitchen table but let's just see how that goes.


Yoongi woke up in his room which he shared with Namjoon and he instantly knew something was wrong when he rolled over to the other side of his bed with no Namjoon on that side, just a cold mattress (I dunno how to spell it I'm sorreh) .

Yoongi took about 2 seconds to prosses what's happening since he just woke up. As soon as it came to him that 1 Namjoon wasn't there and 2 he was most likely alone, tears started coming to Yoongi's eyes he felt scared and upset at the same time. 2 feelings that don't mix well.

Yoongi managed to spot his Kitten stuffie that was on the floor beside the bed that probably fell off when he was sleeping.

He repeatidly told himself 'No going into little space. Need to find Namjoon first' and yet even if he kept telling himself that he was already hopping off the bed and picking his stuffie up and climbing back on the bed.

Yoongi curled up in a little ball on Namjoon's side of the bed which he only did if he missed Namjoon. He kept holding his 'Specia' stuffie close to him.

Yoongi calls it a 'Special stuffie' because it was the first stuffie Namjoon got him once he found out Yoongi was a Little.

Aaaany hoo...

Yoongi gave up holding all his tears in he also ended up slipping into little space.

The poor boy ended up crying himself back to sleep hugging his stuffie close to himself as if it was his shield.

----< about 2 - 3 hours later >----

Remember the note I said about earlier? Hmm yeah Yoongi didn't see it since he stayed in his room.

Once Namjoon and the others got back to the dorm they all spread out doing their own stuff.

Jin cooking dinner with Hoseok helping. Taehyung and Jungkook playing video games in the living room with Jimin watching, and Namjoon sat at the kitchen table

Namjoon was about to go on his phone but noticed the note he left was still attached to the (Full) sippy cup he left for Yoongi.

Namjoon also noticed Yoongi didn't come running our the room when they got back. Instantly a rush of panic went through Namjoon's body and he got up rushing to his and Yoongi's room.

All the members looked at Namjoon dissapear but when they see him going into his room they chose to stay and let Namjoon sort whatever was happening.

Namjoon quietly shut the door behind himself and his heart instantly started to ache seeing Yoongi on his side of the bed which he hardly did and just to add to it he was hugging Namjoon's pillow with his Kitten stuffie in his hand.

Namjoon cursed under his breath and sat on the edge of the bed and brushed some of Yoongi's hair out his face. "Honey..wake up I'm home.." Namjoon calmly said with a tint of guilt in his voice.

Yoongi didn't open his eyes yet but his small hands gripped onto Namjoon's slightly bigger hand "Yoonie, thought Daddy left..." Yoongi whispered still mostly asleep

Yoongi slowly opened his eyes looking up at Namjoon. Yoongi had red puffy eyes from crying which still had tears in them.

Namjoon's face was full of guilt as he wiped a tear off Yoongi cheek that only just fell. "How about you go say hello to Mommy and we can eat then do whatever you want" Namjoon suggested as Yoongi sat up

"Yoonie wanna cuddle with Mommy and Daddy a-also watch a movie." Yoongi said with a smile and bounding on the bed slightly.

Namjoon chuckled "Alright Honey. Go say hello to Mommy first, he missed you when we were out" Yoongi nodded eagerly loving the idea of seeing his 'Mommy' after waking up.

Namjoon picked Yoongi up walking out their room into the main area.

As soon as Yoongi got a single glimpse of Jin he started to wiggle around in Namjoon's arms trying to get down. Namjoon put Yoongi down and poped a mint green paci in his mouth before he went running towards Jin.

Yoongi ran into the Kitchen and tugged on Jin's shirt to get his a attention "Mwommy" Yoongi said happily as he reached up towards Jin.

"Why hello there Prince" Jin said and picked Yoongi up giving him a kiss on the cheek. Yoongi giggled and hugged Jin resting his head on his shoulder.

"Hewo Mowmmy, Daddy said we ca' cuwdle afwter eating" Yoongi said and smiled around his paci.

Jin smiled and nodded "Mommy needs to finish making dinner why don't you go sit at the table Me and Hobi are almost done" Jin said as he put Yoongi back on the floor.

Yoongi nodded and waddled off to sit at the table as told.

----< After dinner (I'm lazy xD) >----

All the members were in the living room watching a movie of Yoongi's choice and as promised Jin ,Namjoon and Yoongi were cuddling on one of the couches as Yoongi peacefully watched his favourite movie.

Hahhh 900+ words again...

Also I'm working of the first part of my new Girl×Girl book I hope Y'all enjoy the new book too ^~^

-Min min 💤 ❤

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