Chapter 2

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With Margrethe still staring daggers at you, Hvitserk quickly pushed you behind him in an effort to shield you. At first you were confused as to why he did so because it appeared that the problem was between the two of them. However, you soon realized he had done you a favor. Within a split second, a crazed Margrethe was on top of you both. It was clear that instead of directing her fury at Hvitserk, she was directing it at you.

"This girl is nuts!" You thought as Margrethe tried everything in her power to get a hold of you while Hvitserk held her back.

Her blonde hair swung wildly as she tried her best to punch and grasp your clothes while you evaded her efforts.

"Fuck you Hvitserk! Get the hell out of my way right now!" Margrethe screamed as she tried to get past him.

She sidestepped him and eyed you intensely. For the moment, you were safe despite her wrath because Hvitserk was still blocking her path to you.

"Hey! Yeah you!" Margrethe pointed at you. "I'm going to fuck you up, little girl!"

You were totally mortified. Not only that, but very angry as well. But your anger wasn't directed at the insane blonde that was trying her best to attack you, but at Hvitserk. And to a small degree, yourself. Despite all the advice you had given yourself the entire night, you had still allowed him to sweet talk you. Instead of refusing his advances, you had kissed Hvitserk despite not knowing anything about him.

Now here he was holding back an apparent girlfriend who was ready to rip your head off. You were pissed that he had made you into a person you never wanted to be. A woman who went after men who were already taken. Without a word to either of them, you walked hastily towards to house. Behind you, you could hear Hvitserk telling her to calm down while she shrieked obscenities at you.

"Don't worry bitch! I can kick your ass in the house just as easy as I can outside!" Margrethe shouted as you entered the house.


Closing the door behind you, you made your way to the main living room hoping to locate your friend Folaki. You just wanted to go home and put the entire night behind. You asked a few people if they had seen her or Bjorn and finally had some luck.

"I saw Bjorn a second ago. Oh.....there he are." The drunk girl said as she pointed him out by the Jacuzzi.

Luckily, Folaki was with him still so you wouldn't have to waste any more time. You made your way over to them after thanking the girl. As you approached, Bjorn gave you a great big smile.

"There you are Y/N. I thought we'd lost you for the night." He chuckled as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

"I want you to meet our cousin, Tonna. Folaki was telling me that you're into Art so you two have allot in common."

Despite being ready to leave, you tried your best to be polite.

"Nice to meet you Tonna." You said as she gave you a small wave.

"Nice to properly meet you as well Y/N." She said with a smirk. The people she was seated with inside the Jacuzzi all bugged their eyes out at the mention of your name.

"Don't mind them Y/N." An amused Tonna said as she sipped her cocktail. "We told them about what you did to Ivar since they missed the main party." She laughed as the others joined in. "Your name is legendary now. You know that, right?"

Bjorn, who had his arm around Folaki's waist now, was the most amused out of everyone.

"I have never seen anyone do something like that to Ivar in my life! Let alone, continue living after doing so." He gave you a wink. "You must be made of magic."

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