end of the world

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"You need to promise me that you won't get hurt" I gave Caliana a serious look. "Okay dad" she smiled already almost falling down from the penny board.

We hadn't even gotten to the skate park yet, and Caliana already wanted to knock all of her teeth out, by using the penny board already.

"God what did I get myself into" I mumbled keeping my eyes trained on Caliana.

"Hey I heard that" she yelled looking back for split second. "Watch out for the-" I was to late, she had been knocked down from the board by a fucking bin.

"Are you okay?" she asked the bin, like it was on command.

"What? Did you just as a bin if it was okay?" I laughed loudly, I couldn't help myself, she looked so small and confused by what just happened.

"Wait it's a trashcan?" she groaned at herself.

I just smiled, before walking towards her to help her get back on her feet. "Now you first get back on the board when we're at the park" I commanded.

"Okay dad" she winked before picking the board up.


"This is so boring" I commented after walking for what felt an eternity.

"We can get ice cream?" Ruel pointed at an ice cream shop, a little further down the street. "Hell to the yay" I yelled running towards the shop.

"Why did I say that" he mumbled to himself, before slowly following me towards the shop. "Come on grandpa" I called after him, making him laugh.

Finally he got to the shop and we went inside.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"A choco and a coco scoop, gosh I'll need to work out after the new year, I've never eaten as much ice cream as I have since I got here" I laughed, as he gave the lady in the shop our order.

"You're perfect as you are, no reason to work out" Ruel threw his long lanky arms around my much smaller frame.


"Wait no denying? What happened to Caliana?" he smiled widely. "You know I read this article about confidence-" I started telling him.

"-And it said it's a good thing to start accepting compliments, even when they feel forced" I told him with a bright smile.

"Well then I'll start pointing out all the things I love about you" he chuckled kissing my hair, I just smiled even brighter than before.

"Can I pay today?" I then asked him.


"Come on"



"No but's I'm paying end of case" he laughed handing the lady the money for the ice cream, getting out ice cream in return.

He had order Choco, nougat and some kind of minty looking ice cream. "Can I taste that one?" I pointed at minty looking one.

"Sure" he handed me his spoon.

And let me tell you the ice cream was amazing. "Can I taste the coconut one?" he asked. I nodded.

He licked the ice cream, he fucking licked it, why couldn't he have used my spoon or his?. I sighed before licking my ice cream myself.

His ice cream was in a cup and mine was in a cone.

"Why didn't you use your spoon" I sighed in defeat about my now almost half eaten ice cream.

Yeah you guessed it, or I hope you did, he took a fucking bite, first he licked it and now he took a bite.

Who did he think he was?

"Who do you think you are?" I acted enraged at him. "Your boyfriend" he smirked kissing my cheek, with sticky ice cream lips.

"You're sticky" I cried out.

"Where?" he wiggled his brows.


"Don't what" he acted as if he were oblivious to what he just did. "Stop being so perverted" I told him with crossed arms.

"What can I do about your innocent mind?"


"You're not so innocent huh?" he laughed loudly as we made out way towards the skater park, or at least I hope we did.

Cause I had no idea about where we were at that point.

"Are we even going to right way?" I questioned our entire journey. "Yeah" he simply answered taking my hand in his.

He was carrying both the boards under his left arms, and his right arm was intertwined with my left arm.

"You know when I moved to Australia I saw it as the end of the world, but if this is the end of the world, I'd love to see the end of the universe" I chuckled.

"Yeah me too, but the end of the world, to me, would be losing you" Ruel charmed his way into my heart again, like he had done a million times.

Only he could do it, luckily.

"You're chessy"

"And you don't like cheese, but you like this cheese" he winked just as we approached the skater park.


So let's just talk a bit about how pretty coco is, she's like so beautiful, and just out here living life, while I sit here writing fanfics about her younger brother. 

LIKE COCO is amazing, we can't even discuss that, it's just how it is. 

And also it's my b-day in like 17 days, i think, no 17 days, let's make ruel notice me by than ahahah, jk. 

have an amazing day, and i'll se you when i see you 

luv me

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