White Wyrm

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-11:00 AM-
Kevin came into the room, hands clasped together. Archie quickly turned towards him, moving away from Betty. "You guys, I had the best idea ever. Why don't we go see a movie? Joaquin also suggested that we could come down to the White Wyrm, because apparently there is some big birthday party for Fangs. Just high schoolers and inside only serpents will be there during the day. Oh. You didn't know. Joaquin and I got back together this week. That's why I was mad about Moose yesterday."

Betty's muscles stiffened, and then Archie replied, "sounds like an amazing idea, Kev. How about we go in thirty minutes? Or when does the party start?"

"In about 45 minutes, so that would be perfect. How about we you two get changed and I will be downstairs with my dad?" Kevin asked.

"Sounds... perfect" Betty said, in a tense voice. She smiled her way through it, as she has learned to. When Kevin left, Archie looked at Betty, wistfully. "Archie... Jughead will be back soon. We..." Archie's hand started moving up her leg, as he came closer to her, "can't..." Archie's band was now at her thigh. And his other came behind her neck.

"So... are you..." Archie moved closer, "excited to go to the White Wyrm... see Fangs, Toni," Archie moved closer again, "and Sweet Pea?" Betty suddenly tensed again, and pushed Archie off of her. She stood up, walked into the bathroom, and locked the door.

"Go away. I'm going to change." Betty said, before unlocking the door when she heard the sounds of footsteps. Although, she stayed in the bathroom, and collapsed against the door. Sobbing, soon she was in an ocean of tears, as she remembered past memories.
Comment below on what you think happened! It may influence my writing.
Soon she had composed herself, and did her makeup and ponytail. She walked out of the bathroom, and changed into blue skinny jeans and light blue sweater. Betty started to double over, her stomach twisting and turning. She ran into the bathroom, and shut the door behind her. She ended up sprawled over the toilet, puking. After a minute, she sat up, against the wall. "You will go... and act like everything is... fine." Betty stood up, and walked over to the sink. She washed her teeth, and redid her lipstick. She then flushed the toilet before exiting.

When she went downstairs carrying her beige purse (very small, only for a wallet and her phone. Maybe keys too). She grabbed her jacket, and turned around to see Archie wearing a different set of clothes. Jeans, and a white t-shirt, along with his leather man jacket. Kevin was standing next to him, alongside his father. "I don't want you guys to get into any fights." Tom said, looking at all of them.

"Dad, it will be high schoolers at a birthday party. We will be FINE." Kevin said, leaving out the part about Joaquin. He never told his dad about him, because he was an older south side serpent.

"Okay, okay. Let's get into the cruiser and I'll drop you off." Sheriff Keller said, guiding them out the door. Betty looked it, because she was the last to leave. They all crammed into the car, and drove to the south side.
-12:00 PM-
When they arrived there, Tom dropped them off and said goodbye, as they walked inside. There were birthday decorations, even a cake, although Betty could tell it was store bought. She saw Toni and Fangs sitting next to each other, laughing. They were sitting at a six person table, only filling a third of it up.

Betty walked over and smiled before sitting down. "I didn't have time to get a present..." She said, looking towards Fangs.

"It's fine. I'm just glad to be with friends..." His eyes shifted towards Kevin, and he patted the seat next to him. "Hey Kevin..."

Kevin looked at him, in disbelief. "Are you serious? Where is Joaquin?" Kevin looked around before Toni pointed towards upstairs. Kevin walked up there, annoyed at Fang's flirting.

"Can't blame a guy for trying, right?" He chuckled, and smiled as Sweet Pea walked in from a different room. Archie sat down at the table, next to Betty. Betty didn't make eye contact, or even glanced at Sweet Pea.

"Hey guys..." Sweet Pea came over with a smug look on his face. He was eyeing Betty, but she wouldn't look at him.

Betty whispered in Archie's ear, "I want to leave."

Archie started at her, and whispered back, "But we just got here. Wouldn't it be rude?" Betty stopped suggesting it, and Fangs got up, and walked towards the pool table.

    "Hey Archie, Sweet Pea, Toni, Betty? Wanna play a game?" Fangs started racking the balls.

    Archie and Toni nodded, and got up out of their seats. They began to walk over when Betty shook her head. Following that, Sweet Pea replied, "I think I'll talk to Betty." Sweet Pea got up out of his seat, and sat next to her. Their backs were facing the others, and tables separated them. Sweet Pea slid into the seat, and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "be... quiet." Betty looked frightened, be did as he said, in fear. Sweet Pea's hand started to move up her leg, and Betty squirmed uncomfortably. Betty suddenly shot up, and grabbed her bag. She stormed out of the room, leading everyone to stare at Sweet Pea. "I didn't do anything! I asked about Jughead! I wanted to know when he was coming back! Maybe something is going on with Bughead."

    Archie set his pole down, and went after her. "Betty?" He said, looking around for her. He then heard sounds of reaching, in the alleyway. Archie ran around the corner, to see Betty, huddled over a trash can, puking. "Oh my god..." He went over to her and tried to pay her back but she pulled away from his touch almost immediately. She painted heavily, and wiped her mouth with the backside of her hand.

    "Archie... I'm just... not okay. Can we go..." Betty paused, and looked around. "To the convince store a few blocks from here? They have water." Betty said, shaking. Archie nodded, and followed her. When they arrived, Betty asked Archie to stay outside and call Kevin. Archie said yes, and waited. Betty entered, and walked through the shelves quickly. She grabbed a few candy bars, then grabbed water, and quickly headed up to the counter. "Just this, please." Betty pulled out her wallet, and gave the man a 20 dollar bill.

    "Okay," The man looked the candy and rolled his eyes, but he took the money and gave her back the change. Betty quickly shoved it into a bag, and walked outside, sipping the water. Kevin was now walking towards them from across the street, waving his hands in the air, confused.

"Why did you run out like that? I thought you wanted to come." Kevin said, almost near them.

Betty and Archie began to walk towards him, "Look, Kev. I just; am not feeling well. I think the medicine is messing with me."

Kev nodded his head, as they began to walk back to her house. Almost there, Kevin checked is phone. "Oh shoot... hey guys, I have to go, will you be okay?" Kevin was already walking backward in the opposite direction, but as soon as they both nodded he turned around and started to run.

Betty and Archie didn't speak much, but when they got to her house, it was empty. "Want lunch?"

Betty nodded, "whatever is good." She walked upstairs quickly, and went into her bathroom. Betty brushed her teeth, and walked downstairs. Archie had started to make ramen. Betty snickered at his terrible cooking abolish, and walked over. She sat at the island on a bar stool, and looked at the ingredients set out. He had four ramen packets set out, seasoning, and other vegetables. Betty looked at them for a moment, and Archie smiled.

    "I'm not that bad at cooking, okay? I'm not using the flavoring packets in the ramen, just the noodles. I'm adding seasoning, and vegetables to it, and it's normally pretty good." Archie said, smiling. He heard the water on the stove behind him boil, and grabbed the ramen packets. He started to cook the packets as Betty got up and sat down on the couch in the living room. "So, how are you dealing?" Archie asked, looking up from the stove.

    Betty grabbed her phone and plopped down, propping herself up on pillows, "I think... okay. Thank you, Archie."

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