chapter 2

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It's been a month

A month without Kellin

Not a call, nor a text.


The first few weeks were filled with endless crying and a pain in my chest. I didn't change out of my wedding dress until Tony came in with his girlfriend and forced me to change and clean myself up. They made me eat but I'd just throw it up or not eat at all. Food seemed tasteless.


    I wouldn't get out much. When I did people would stare and whisper about "the girl who was left on the alter" criticism and gossip was high in a small town like this one.


After that there wasn't any crying. Not a single tear fell. I was just kind of numb and empty. Like if all my feelings were drained out.


Out of everything, nights were still the worst. The eternal never ending sleepless nights, that made me stay up and think about the world and my problems.

   After a while I was left with this huge empty hole I'm my chest. A hole that told me that there was no chance in love. That love was just a myth humans chose to believe to think there's a better world out there.  I rolled my eyes at myself as I got up and walked downstairs when I heard the doorbell ring.

"How you doing?" Claire, my best friend asked Tony smiling behind. I shrugged. "We brought ice cream!" She sang and I turned around and walked back to the couch.

"What do you guys want?" I groan.

"Nice to see you too." She mumbles." And I'm here to cheer you up and Tony has nothing better to do since his girlfriend is at work or something." She says and I nod my head pretending to know what she's talking about.

"I brought your favorite ice cream!" She says and I roll my eyes as I grab a spoon. 

"We also brought skittles, Hershey's, fancy chocolate and the pizza should be here any minute now." Tony says as he looks inside the plastic bag. "By the way? Do you have any beer?" He asks

I walk to the couch and started eating my ice cream.

   We watched movies and ate junk food as we joked around. We were all drunk as hell but none of us really cared

"You know what I always say." Claire says. 

"What's that?" I ask.

"Just eat it out." She laughs and Tony rolls his eyes.

"You know what would be great, if we could all just move someplace else." I say

"But where though?" Tony asks and i shrug

"California man." Claire says "That place, damn dude! it has like the hottest dudes i swear!" she giggles and we all laugh

    After a while Tony drags Claire out and takes her home. I sigh as I run my hand through my hair.

    I walked to the book shelf as I pulled out a photo album and walked to the couch. I opened it up and smiled at the first picture. It was me and my mom. That was the time we went to visit some family members in Cali. I was about 11 in the picture. Those were good times but mom soon died later that year.

    I remember mom being excited to visit the place where she lived most of her life before moving all the way here. I sighed As I thought for a while.

"Maybe moving wouldn't be such a bad idea." I mumble to myself as I hurry and get up. I walk over and grab my keys as i exit out the door



Short chapter i know but the more reads i get the longer it'll get.


Listening to~The way she Feels by Between The Trees

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