Chapter 9: Grandfather

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Athena's POV

My eyes fluttered open to see I was alone with ropes cutting into my skin from were my hands were tied together. I heard feet by the door, then the door slammed open to reveal Dimitri and my mom. I let out a breathe I had been holding. "Honey where are Thomas and Alex?" I closed my eyes trying to sense where Tom was but he was blocking me out. "I don't know, his blocking me out." Why would he do that knowing we were taken. "Try and break through. You can if you concentrate hard enough." Okay taking a deep breathe and letting it out, I keep pushing on the bond and I was about to give up when I broke through and Tom's emotions came through and rushed into my head strong. He was anxious, exicted, and nervous that I would be really pissed at him if I knew what he was doing. He was right I am pissed! Beyond pissed. "I found him let's go now before the guys do something there gonna regret." I couldn't believe what he was doing."What's happening?" Dimitri asked following me down the hallway. Mom trailing behind incase someone tries to attack from behind. "Alex and Tom are about to join grandfather's mob to get him to free me." I don't need to be saved by a Morio and or my brother. They're idiots! I could of gotten myself out. "How did you find me?" It was the only thing confusing me all of a sudden. "Tracker I put it in your brothers watch." I looked down at my wrist were the watch was. Alex couldn't of known about the tracker. He must of put it on me as a parting gift when I was still dead. So I'd have something of his with my body. "When did you do that?" When did he find the time to do this. "Ummm... a week after your death, it gave me something to do instead of thinking about you." Dimitri just looked sad. "Look at me! I'm alive and moving. I love you Dimitri always remember that." I was smiling the biggest smile I could muster up considering I'm raging about Alex and Tom's dumb idea. Did they really think he'd let me go? "Second door on our right, when we turn left down here. Mom you'll go in first, Dimitri you'll be right on her tail I'll take back up. When I get my hands on Tom." I couldn't finish what I was wanting to say because it would be treason to do that let alone say it aloud. "Okay let's do this." Mom busted into the room stopping the progess. My grandfather started yelling wondering how the hell we found them. When he laid eyes on me, he started towards me,"Who the hell are you?" grandfather was raising his fist to hit me. I easily blocked each of his hits. His guardians came at me, took them down easily too. Then I looked at Tom, I must of had the look of death on my face because he pulled Alex in front of him. Like that'll stop me from beating the shit out of him and Alex. I couldn't let him or Alex off easy, what they did was dumb and reckless. I went towards Alex, darkness started to bubble up then it guided me. I wanted to hurt them. Mom and Dimitri both restrained me. Mom let me go only for a second to get cuffs. They cuffed me I couldn't believe they actaully cuffed me,  but there was no way the darkness was going away anytime soon. I just glared at Tom with rage and hatred. "I'm sorry Athena. I didn-" Tom wanted to apologize but I interrupted him. "No you don't get to apologize right now that goes for you to Alex." They both nodded. "And we are over Thomas got that. I told you too run and you didn't,  how can I trust you now when you didn't listen huh? Thomas were over until I can trust you again and that may be a long while. Alex what you did was stupid and reckless. Your both done, you will not be joining my regiments." I just sat down cuffed and pissed. I'm sure once the darkness subsides I'll be a little more reasonable but I'm mad. "Athena we know it was reckless and I know I should of got Thomas out of there and called mom and Dimitri. But I couldn't leave you, you're my only sister and I just got you back. Please you need me on one of the regiments especially as a teacher, maybe not Thomas but you need me." Alex defended himself pretty logically and the darkness couldn't fight logic especially when I was calming down. "You could of broken my cover. We have an edge right now with the strigoi. You could of ruined everything. " But I thought about it for a while never breaking my gaze with both of them. He admited he was wrong for doing what he did. "Fine only Alex. Thomas I am still your guardian and that's how you'll see me. When we get back to court you'll pack your things for school and you'll be returning early for your senior year. We have to start training the others Alex. Got it." I said looking at them. He looked at me with blank eyes. "Athena if you think I'm sorry for trying to get you out of here your wrong. If you don't want to be together, fine. If you want to just have a Guardian, charge relationship,  fine. But my feelings will always be the same. I will always love you. You may be blocking me out of your head for now, but you'll let your guard down and let me back in your life because you know that you still love me too. I'm sorry, but I will earn back your trust if its the last thing I do." Tom took a deep breath look at me before leaving with Alex on his tail. I kept a straight face not letting anything show. When the door shut mom was the only one in the room. I broke into tears immediately when I saw her face, she understood what I'm doing and she's not judging or telling me that I'm wrong in anyway. In fact she thinks I'm doing the right thing. "I know you love him, but this is for the best. You'll be able to keep him alive longer and safer this way. He doesn't understand now but he will and once he meets someone new, you'll meet someone new then he'll understand why this is for the best. Your bonded so you guys already know each other and didn't get to have a real relationship apart. You just met and you could of been connected for other reasons, getting to know each other through the up and downs of the relationship is really important. You guys didn't get to go through that with and without the bond. I'm just sorry it has to happen to you sweetheart.  If you need anything you just come to me okay." I nodded. She really does give the best advice. "Thanks mom, I will come to you if anything comes up. I love you so much." She smiled and stood up. "Alright sweety." Mom started walking out the door. I picked up a pen and paper to write my grandfather a note.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2017 ⏰

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