Chapter 2: To the future

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15 years later

I was sitting in the living room watching Under the Dome when my 15 almost 16 year old son and daughter came barreling in screaming. "Athena Marietta, Alexander Xavier if you do not stop screaming I'm cancelling your party next Saturday". I got two very hard glares from those dark chocolate brown eyes. Jesus Christ they look so much like there father. "Mom I know you hate it when he ye-" Athena was cut off "Oh no you don't, it wasn't just me it was you too!" Alex was not taking the blame this time. Did I forget to mention Alex may look like his father but... has my attitude and mindset. Unlike Athena when she gets upset she always immediately calms down just like her father though her restraint can snap just not very often if at all. "Both of you, I love you but hush. My favorite show is on and your bickering is ruining it. Now if you want to talk after I'm all ears but until then I'm not". They settled down, sat with me and watched the rest of the show. Athena laid down across the couch with her feet in my lap, Alex sat right in front of where I was sitting so I could play with his short hair. He told me one day that it calmed him down, so each time he gets very emotionally upset I play with his hair.  twenty-five minutes later it was over. The twins calmed down and they both looked at me giving me guilty stares. Right then I knew what they were going to ask. "Who's our father?" they had a unison like no other, they'd be a great guardian team one day.


A couple days of just blackness and my own annoying thoughts I woke up. "Rose.... Roza. Oh God thank you. How are you feeling?" Dimitri asked.  "I'm fine can you get the doctor?" I asked. He sprinted to the get a doctor,  I started to take this as my chance and start running, running away from my old life and everybody I loved. People would say it's the biggest mistake of my life. But they didn't hear what the Strigoi said to me before he knocked me unconscious.

"We were sent by a lovely lady that was awaken 3 years ago. Her name goes by Natasha Ozera." My body went ridged. Oh no. "She said if you don't leave Lissa and Dimitri, she's going to kill them, then you." few moments after my last thought I knew I had to leave because I couldn't risk my baby or the ones I loved.

end of flashback

I spaced out remembering it. "Mom are okay?" Alex my sweet caring boy. I didn't realize I had tears running down my face. "I guess I can't keep you guys in the dark from him forever, thou I wish I could." I knew Tasha was killed 5 years ago by Guardian Ford. But my thinking got the best of me and I couldn't... no didn't return when I saw the royal court news update on her. "Mom who is he?" Athena and her inquisitive mind is how she earned her nickname Ace. It is a weird nickname for a girl, but anything she does she aces without fault. They know how to fight just has if they were trained guardians.  I gave them both silver stakes for there twelfth birthday, they could take me down in a fight single-handedly, and I was giving it my all. "Your father goes by the name of Dimitri Belikov". They stared at me in shock. They knew his reputation, for God's sake they go to the same school Dimitri did. Plus with my extra training they're promised guardians already, plus being at the top of there class. They even passed his own records at the school. "No fucking way mom." Alex also had no filter when in shock. I don't necessarily care that they cuss, just as long has they don't do it in front of other parents and teachers. "Can we meet him?" Ace switched from English to Russian like a light switch you never knew what language she was going to use. I picked up Russian like it was my native tongue, so my kids couldn't speak around me without me understanding what they were saying. "Of course since your both guardians now will make the trip to Royal Court." My Russian was steady when I spoke even with the fear of losing my kids. "You guys go pack.... and be ready to go in 25 minutes. I'll make sure the jet will be ready to go in an hour and it takes 30 minutes to get there and five minutes to get on and settled in for take off." They all but sprinted around getting ready, they took shorter then I thought they need. They where ready in 13 minutes tops. The plane ride took 15-17 hours. But the drive to Court was nerve racking. I was in a cool looking mode were I played off everything has just slick. "Mom are you nervous to see our dad again?" Ace guessing through my mask again. "Athena, Alexander I am very nervous. They're going to be happy that I'm alive and you guys too, but there also gonna be pissed that I left them and that they missed out on your lives. There might be grudges against me." I just don't think I want to see the disappointment in there eyes. "Do you think they'll hate us?" Alex always so worried about what others think. "Oh sweetheart no. They won't hate you, if anything they'll love you with all there worth". The court gate came into sight, and Eddie just has to be guarding it of course. "Ma'am names?" I was holding my breath at the sight of him. When he looked back up still not recognizing us. "Rose, Athena, and Alexander Hathaway." I was smiling when Eddie did a double take at me. "Rose is that really you? Of course it's you. Are those his kids?". He didn't need to say his name for me to understand.  I nodded. "Well last time I checked with him he was in the gym". I'm not ready but my kids were. "Thank you. Do you mind having someone come get our stuff and take it to our room. Along with my children?" Athena and Alex started to protest but I gave them a sharp look. "Anything for you Rose. I'm just glad you finally came back." He looks good, really good. "Thanks again Eddie it means alot." He nodded and I parked in the parking garage. "You guys go to the room. I'm going to go find your father and set up a meet so you guys can talk." They nodded and keep walking to find the room we were staying in. I went to the gym. When I first walked in I noticed he was the only one in there. His hands where blooded from hitting the bag without gloves. I wonder who pissed him off? Or who could other than me. "Вы знаете, что это не очень ярким, чтобы использовать мешки без перчаток, вы знаете. Ваши руки кровью." His whole body stiffened at my words. (translation: You know it's not very bright to use bags without gloves you know. Your hands are blooded.) "Это не очень приятно украдкой на людей либо. Или выполнения из там жизнь, когда они любят вас так много." (translation: It's not very nice to sneak up on people either. Or run out of there lives, when they love you so much.) He turned around, and looked at me taking in my body and the changes since he last saw me. I can see lust and anger in his eyes. But the lust won out when he locked eyes with me. He started walking towards me wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into an aggressive kiss. When we finally pulled apart I could see in his eyes that he forgave me, but he was never going to let me out of his sights. "Dimitri I came back here for a reason." Breaking our eye contact. "What could be more important." I can't believe he forgot but I guess being away for 15 years, it's acceptable. "Our kids is what's more important." The look in his eyes were devastation and went to anger. "Our kids?" Then a loud bang came from the door announcing that someone has joined us.  Or should I say two someone's. Why couldn't they just listen to me? "Dimitri these are our children. Athena Marietta and Alexander Xavier Hathaway. Well now Belikov because they now know who you are." He walked up to his children and in gulfed them into a hug. "Rose our children." he looked back at me with tears in his eyes. This is all he ever wanted. A family of his own. "Well I'm going to go so you guys can catch up. Kids go easy on him." They had mischievously looks on there smug faces. I let out a small laugh. "Be careful Dimitri there fully trained guardians.  I'll be back in a couple hours I'm going to find the queen. I believe we have some catching up to do and I do believe I owe her and alot more people an apology". Then I set off to find Lissa.

Disclaimer: I don't own VA or the characters.  I own this plot line and the characters I make up. Next chapter is going to be in either Athena's or Alexander's POV.

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