Chapter 4: The only one

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Thomas POV

"Tommy? Hello? Thomas Christopher Dragomir, what are you staring at? Tommy if your gonna stare at sluts then why did you agree to go on a date with me?" Chelsea the most annoying girl I know. "I don't know Chel maybe because you asked and I didn't want to be rude and tell you no. Plus how do you know she's a slut?  Or are you just gonna start a rumor about her because I'm more intrigued in her than you?" I can't stand her or her group of friends. I thought if I gave her one date she'd see how much I didn't want to be there. She jump back a bit. "I'm sorry. I'm tired of your games Chelsea if you start a rumor about her I'm done with you. I won't talk or look at you again." I don't think she'd want that. If everyone saw me ignoring her they'd ignore her just because I was. "You don't know her! Why are you even defending her?" Chelsea always wanting to be the center of attention. "Because I can already tell she's a better person than you." I turned around knowning she was behind me.  "And if you either come near Kelsey, Ryan or I. I will show what your true colors are to everyone" I stormed out of the doors leaving her embarrassed and angry. I heard her running up behind me. I turned around, flames in my hands. She took two steps back. "I'm going to take that bitch's life even if its the last thing I do. Got it" I started to throw the fireball at her but then stopped. I won't stoop her level.  "Don't you threaten me with your games. I am The Queen's son, next time you do it you'll be dealing with her, the Queen." With that she left me alone muttering under her voice. I swear if she tries to harm Ace in anyway I'm going to ruin her. "Tommy!!! What the hell? You know when mom finds out your so grounded." Kesley always wanting to be the favorite. "Mom's not going to find out. Also Stop hanging around Chelsea." Just thinking her names causes disgust to drip off every word. I heard Ryan's laughter coming from behind me. "Ry shut it. I'll kick your ass if you tell. Along with yours kesley. I mean it, none of this is to be told to mom." Finely calming down. "Okay." they knew I wasn't messing around. But to be truthful I probably would just give them thw silent treatment which is worse.  "What the hell happened Tom?" Ryan can never just lwt things go. He just has to know everything.  "Have you seen the new girl" they nodded "well I can't keep my mind off her and I kept staring. She called her a slut. I told her I'm done with her and her games she didn't like that. You guys saw the rest." I didn't need to go into detail with them, they understood. "Oh and we are to kept an eye on Chelsea she's not one to take rejections well also kept an eye on that girl Ace." I had to keep her safe. "What's this girl to ya Tommy?" Kesley asked. "I don't know. I just want to protect her. Even if it's to my last breath." It was like I needed her in anyway I could get her. I have to get to know her better and find out her real name. "awwww" let kesley be the one to read more into it then it actually was. "what?" Ryan and I asked. "It's love at first site." She was all giddy-like. "No. maybe. I don't know, I just meet her, I can't be in love with her already. What if she just see's me has a Royal and tries to use my title? None of this matters anyways because we just met. Let me get to know her first." Do I love her? Maybe, I do love her. But first I'm going to find her tomorrow and get to know her. "Hey guys I'm going home, I'm tired from the magic use and having to deal with chelsea. I'll see you in the morning. Love you guys tell mom and dad I'm in bed if they ask where I am." I walked up to our front door and up the stairs to my bedroom. I landed face first into my pillow and I didn't make it long before I fell into a deep sleep. I then was on Mission Beach in San Diego, I looked all around until I saw Ace sitting by the water staring at me. When we made eye contact she patted the spot next to her so I sat down next to her never breaking eye contact.  "Ace what are you doing here?" Why was this girl in my dreams? "What am I doing here? Your in my dream." She was smiling fondly breaking our eye contact to look at the beautiful sunset. "But how? I'm just a fire user and your just a Dhampir it's impossible for you too be here. The only one I've ever heard of dream walking was a spirit user named Adrian." I smiled back at her. God she's so beautiful. "Yes but I'm a special Dhampir." How can a Dhampir be special except in her skill. "How?" This girl just peaked my mind in all ways I didn't think was ever possible. "My mother was shadowkissed. My father and mother are both Dhampir. My father is Dimitri Belikov and my mother is the infamous Rose Hathaway." She was laughing at the last part. "I've heard of her. She's been missing for 15 years. My mom and her are or use to be bond mates and best friends." She nodded. "Yes correct. But she's never been missing. She ran away to protect me and my brother. I'm a twin" She was a twin? Oh yeah the younger guy she was with. I just thought he was older. "Ahh so your 15 almost 16 aren't you." She was young but way beyond her age. "Yes my birthday is in fact next Saturday. Monday I hope my mother and brother are ready the leave this place. It's beautiful, but not has beautiful as our home in Baia, Russia." She was smiling, clearly thinking of her home. "Is there a boy back home you want to get back to so bad?" I asked teasingly but I really did want to know. "No. But I wouldn't be so excited to get back home if there was a guy here."She said with the most amazing smile. It lit up her face. Her cheek bones raised and her eyes scrunched. "Oh that's the best news I've heard this entire time. Would you like to hang out tomorrow Ace?" Wow am I nervous. "No. But meet me at the Burger Barn outside the wards at 8:30 at night if you want to get to know me. Oh and come alone." And just like that she disappeared, leaving me in a sleepless night. Damn it. I forgot to ask her what her name was. I'm going to have to get up early and plan how to escape the gates to get to Burger Barn.  I have to meet her. I have so many questions.

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