1) H.Y.D.R.A

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Manhattan NewYork/ Avengers Tower

Bucky- (Sighs Heavily) Glancing at the clock, it reads four am. Crawling out of bed, I head down to the kitchen two files in hand.

Anthony- Coming up to the kitchen from my lab, I find Barnes making coffee. "Winter?"

Bucky- Turning around with a cup of coffee in hand. "Tony." I walk over to the counter and sit, placing the files on it.

Anthony- Getting myself a cup of coffee, I sit opposite the assassin. "What are you doing up at this hour?"

Bucky- After taking a sip of my drink, I set it aside. "Couldn't sleep." I pull my hair back as I tie it.

Anthony- (Hums) "I know how you feel there." I gesture down at the blank looking file. "What's that?"

Bucky- (Chuckles) Anthony was always a curious one. "This is the file on Hydra."

Anthony- (Frowns) "But we already have everything on Hydra, don't we?"

Bucky- Shaking my head. "Not everything. I was an inside man and had access to this information." Before I allow him to take it. "It's not just on Hydra, there is two files here."

Anthony- I was a bit confused. "May I see?"

Bucky- (Smiles) "Since you asked so nicely." I give him the files.

Anthony- He slid the files in front of me as I open the top one and begin reading;

'HYDRA is a authoritarian terrorist, criminal, paramilitary organization bent on world domination. It was founded in ancient times formerly as a cult centered around the fanatical worship of Hive, a powerful Inhuman that was exiled to the planet Maveth by ancient inhumans. Ever since his banishment the cult has been determined to bring him back to earth in order to commence a planetary takeover. Over the centuries the cult evolved taking many forms, with its most recent incarnation coming into existence shortly after the rise of Nazism in Germany under the leadership of Johann Schmidt as the scientific branch of the Nazi Schutzstaffel. During this time the cult took on the name HYDRA which soon became the organization's most colloquial label. During World War II Schmidt separated HYDRA from Nazi Germany to start his own conquest of the world and it was during or before this time when HYDRA seemingly abandoned the cult's original beliefs. Converting from occultism, to draconian anti-freedom principles HYDRA became an organization with a hell-bent nature that is dedicated to this newfound political doctrine. After its defeat at the hands of Captain America in 1945 and the subsequent disappearance of Johann Schmidt, HYDRA was secretly rebuilt inside S.H.I.E.L.D. by Schmidt's top scientist Arnim Zola who was recruited into the agency during Operation Paperclip. Though Zola's body died in the early 1970s, HYDRA was already well established and Zola's mind continued to live in a computer. In the following decades, HYDRA orchestrated crises and planted roots worldwide; establishing a clandestine network of operatives engaged in political engineering and scientific research. HYDRA's endgame was to overthrow the world governments establishing a fascist, totalitarian global state; thus preemptively eliminating potential threats to their new world order. Members who still followed the original beliefs of HYDRA took part in this as a means of smoothly and immediately transferring control of a groomed earth to their inhuman idol. New members for the organization were acquired from disenfranchised members of S.H.I.E.L.D. as well as children born to already established members, which were indoctrinated from childhood in facilities ran by HYDRA and assigned into different roles by the leadership.
By the end the 20th century, operatives of HYDRA had managed to spread outside of S.H.I.E.L.D. infiltrating many important organizations; including the United States Government and the World Security Council, eventually establishing many secret bases around the world. One of HYDRA's top agents in S.H.I.E.L.D. John Garrett secretly led the Centipede Project with the goal to recreate the Super Soldier. In 2014, HYDRA's plans for world domination almost succeeded through their agent Alexander Pierce and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Project Insight. However, their plan to eliminate 20 million people who posed a threat to HYDRA failed because of the efforts of HYDRA's oldest enemy Captain America whom publicly exposed their infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D. and destroyed their main tool of destruction along with three of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Helicarriers and Alexander Pierce being killed by S.H.I.E.L.D.'s current director Nick Fury in the process.'

"Wow, just wow." Shutting the top file, I slide it back to Barnes. "How did you get your hands on that file?"

Bucky- Taking the file and setting it aside. (Frowns) "I didn't, it was given to me before our last mission together."

Anthony- Giving him a rather calculated look. "Want to tell me what happened?"

Bucky- Shaking my head. "Maybe another time." Gesturing to the file still in front of him. "Read that, before I change my mind."

Anthony- (Nods) Opening the second file still in front of me, I read it;

'Prisoner #04623
Name; Raina Chevelle Quinn
Aliases; Ray, Queen, Chevy, Huntress, Storm, WinterWolf

Age; 24 (Immortal)

Gender; Female

Sexuality; Pansexual

Hair Color; Dark Brown

Eye Color; Green

Height; 5'9

Weight; 120

Characteristics; Due to unforeseen circumstances during an experiment, her left arm was amputated and replaced with a metal one.

Family History

Mother; Harleen Quinzel (Imprisoned)
Alias; Harley Quinn

Father; Jack (Imprisoned)
Alias; Joker

Boyfriend; James Buchanan Barnes
Aliases; Sarge, WhiteWolf, WinterSoldier, Fist of HYDRA, Ghost

Killer Assassin'

My eyes widen in shock. "Is this, is she?" Glancing up into watery grey eyes. "Hydra still has her, don't they?"

Bucky- (Nods)

Anthony- Shutting the file and placing it on top of the other one, I get up and walk around the island as I wrap my arms tightly around his shoulders. "We are going to get her back and that's a promise."

Bucky- I was still getting used to physical touch, but right now it was welcomed. (Hums Softly) "Thank you."

Steve- I was startled awake and find Bucky missing, walking to the kitchen I find him and Tony talking, better yet hugging. (Smiles, then Frowns) I happen to overhear Anthony make a promise, one he might not be able to keep. (Mutters Softly) "Anthony what are you getting yourself into."

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