2) Underground Hell

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Strucker- Walking into the lab as I admire the girl strapped to the table. "Oh this is just perfect. If we didn't break him, we never would have found her. If we didn't break her, we never would have known about their secret relationship." Standing on the other side of the shatterproof glass watching as my scientists shock the girl repeatedly. (Hums Amused) "It's going to be quiet amusing to see if she can take down her own lover."

Dr Glassman- Glancing up from my work for but a moment. (Hums Agreeingly) "That it is."

Strucker- Turning away from the brutal conditioning treatment. "How much longer until she is ready?"

Dr List- (Smirks Sinisterly) "After this last treatment, she is yours to fully command."

Strucker- (Smirks and Nods) "Yes, very good."

Dr List- Hitting the switch, the girls muffled screams cease as she now lays eerily still.

Strucker- Waltzing over to the small brunette, I tap her cheek. "Wake up." Her vitals seemed stable, but she didn't move an inch. "Wake her up!"

Dr Glassman and Dr List- We move quickly to awaken the girl.

3rd Person P.O.V- Strapped to an all metal table and shocked repeatedly until broken. Behind tightly closed emerald eyes, memories flash quickly, teasing the girl of a safer and happier time;

'Bucky- Laying in bed, my arms wrapped loosely around sweat slicked skin. (Hums Contently)

Raina- My head resting against my lovers chest as I lazily trace the shape of his toned muscles. "Must you go? I understand the need, but I'll miss you terribly."

Bucky- (Chuckles Softly) Twisting my fingers into her hair as I kiss her forehead. "When I return, I promise to give you a life. I'm not just doing this for my country, but for you. Darlin you are my reason to fight."

Raina- I was his reason and was content with the answer, knowing one day he'd return to my arms.'

Strucker- The girl sits up quickly taking in deep breaths as she looks around rather confused. (Smirks Smugly) "Welcome back, Raina. I have a mission for you."

Dr Glassman- Handing the girl her uniform.

Strucker- The girl gets redressed without question. "Your mission is to infiltrate Avengers Tower and Убить Джеймса Барнса." Her emerald orbs glaze over for but a moment, then I show her a picture of the target. "He has deflected from Hydra and is now a threat to us, take him out."

Raina- Taking the picture as well as an arsenal of weapons. (Nods Curtly) "Yes, Sir."

Strucker- (Hums) "She is going to be the reason, he's down on his knees and screams Hail Hydra."

Dr List- The girl leaves on her mission and our boss rambles on, but we don't bother to question it.

~Authors Note~

Убить Джеймса Барнса- Kill James Barnes

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