When Rosalie got down Mac began to run after her. When we finally caught them we brought them to the ice cream place, to be honest we got tired so we just said if they came back that we would buy them ice cream. It works though so don't judge our awful running skills.

Maci ran track for five years and I ran for six. I started running track in grade seven and Maci did in grade eight. So she graduated before she could run a year six and because I started a year early I got an advantage. So I was just a little faster than her.

That's fine though because Mac can swim faster than me. She did swimming for seven years and I did for about five. Almost six. I quit because I got kicked off the team for getting in a fight with one of the other swim girls cause she knew I was better than her so she took my goggles towel and bathing suit.

Still never got those back. I did see her wearing my goggles in class one time too. Yes, I may still be mad about it.... So what? I'm allowed to be!

Anyway we bought them medium sized ice cream cups and got ourselves large cones. Mac got her regular order of chocolate with chocolate sprinkles but I decided to try the double rainbow with rainbow sprinkles.

I'm still a child at heart don't judge. No hate...

We brought them home at 3:00 so Kevin and Danielle could get them ready properly. Danielle took them both and got them dressed and gave them snacks and bags.

Dani was running around being all stressed. "Are you and Aunt Maci coming Aunt Lexxi?" Rosalie asked looking up at me with those beautiful vibrant green eyes.

Rosalie's are dark but light at the same time. Where as James' green eyes were more of a forest dark green. Weird because only Kevin has green eyes and Danielle has chocolate brown ones.

Jai has deep blue eyes, his are darker than mine. His are like an ocean blue times ten. Mine are a pale ocean and Mac's are just icy blue. All four of us have extremely unique eyes.

I personally love my eyes to death and so does everyone else. Anyway I got off topic there and started to talk about our eyes. Is it bad I don't even remember why? Haha oh yeah because Rosalie looked up at me.

"No, it's mommy daddy James and Rosalie time." I smiled at her. "Oh okay." Rosalie frowned. Mac and I have gotten close with Rosy and James.

They've even gotten close with Cam. Nash just recently popped into their life but Cam's always been here it's just recently he's become Uncle.

Kevin Danielle James and Rosy left for the airport at 4:00 and they had to be on the plane by 5:00. Nash Cam Mac and I stood there looking at the door and when the car pulled away we sat on the couch.

"So what are we gonna do?" Maci asked. "PARTY!" Nash yelled. "We're not nineteen and sixteen anymore, sorry to inflate your boat but..." Maci said. "Ugh, we can still have one!" Nash said quickly.

"Not happening, let's just order pizza and watch movies all night." Maci said. "That's no fun!" Cam frowned. "I don't care." Maci said laughing at them. "How about we have a party tomorrow night?" I asked. "Okay." We all agreed.

It's rare of Maci to say no to me unless she doesn't believe I'll make it out alive, if she thinks I could get hurt or die that's when she says no, other than that, it's normally a yes.

We put Titanic in and Maci made popcorn while Cam ordered us three large pizzas. "Yeah I'll have two plain cheese and then the other half pineapple and half pepperoni." Cam said into the phone. "Okay thanks bye." Cam said again.

Maci came out of the kitchen with four large bowls of popcorn. She gave me one, Nash one, Cam one, and she had one. We sat down and Maci started the movie and then paused it when the pizza man came.

Maci and I went to the door. The pizza boy was about 25 or 26 and he had curly brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He was quite attractive but I'm committed to Nash.

"Three pizzas for you two fine ladies?" He asked. "No there's four of us." Maci said taking the pizzas and giving him the money. "How would you like me to stay around with you ladies?" He asked smirking.

"No thanks, it would be nice if you stopped hitting on my girlfriend and her little sister who ALSO has a boyfriend who so happens to be my best friend." Cam said putting his hands on Maci's shoulders.

Nash came over and took the pizzas out of Maci's hands and grabbing my waist. "Bye." Nash said closing the door in his face and walking away with the pizzas.

Maci Cam and I started hysterically laughing.

"I think he handled that best than all of us put together." Cam laughed. "That was perfect." Maci laughed. We sat down with pizza, popcorn, Pepsi, honey buns, cake, candy, and a bunch of other amazing snacks while we watched the Titanic movie.

When it was over Cam put in another movie that movie being Pitch Perfect. We watched it and when it was over it was 9:00 PM. After the movie we looked at all the movies.

"Okay, last one of the night what are we gonna watch?" I asked pondering at the movies laid out in front of me. "Okay I think it should be between Divergent, Frozen, and The Purge. Maci's favorite movie is The Purge so I know what she's voting for. I decided considering Maci hasn't seen Divergent and both the boys have I wanted just me and Mac to watch it together.

"Okay, raise your hand for Frozen." Cam said. No one raised their hand. "The Purge?" Cam asked. Maci me and Cam raised our hands. "And Divergent." Nash raised his hand.

"Okay we're watching The Purge then." Cam smiled putting the DVD in. We watched it and when it ended we kinda just sat there looking at each other and thinking no talking.

"Okay night." Maci said walking upstairs with Cam following her like a little puppy. "Wanna go to bed?" I asked Nash. "Sure." Nash said. We went upstairs and I changed in front of Nash. I really didn't care what he saw at this point, not like he was getting anything until marriage anyways.

I jumped in the bed and he went in the bathroom to take a shower and get changed. I walked in with my eyes closed and brushed my teeth quickly.

I left and jumped in bed. While I was waiting for Nash I went on my phone and read Nash Grier fan fiction.

Nash came to bed and we went to sleep.

Counting our Stars (Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now