Twenty-four: New Paths

Start from the beginning

"Yes, and I was told this is recorded? Ould I have the disc too?" Jazmine sighed as she wiped the gel off of herself.

"Of course. I'll be right back." The doctor pointed.

Jazmine sat up and looked over to MaCartier. She was having herself a little man. She smiled and looked over at MaCartier who had fallen asleep. Reality set in, she was going to have to raise a little boy all by herself. There were things that she just couldn't do alone! How was she going to teach him how to pee or how to be a man! She couldn't reach him those things!

Becoming overwhelmed, she began to hyperventilate as tears choked her and stirred within her like a hurricane.

"Jazmime, calm down. Calm down." MaCartier engulfed her as he rubbed her back to try and calm her down.

"I-I can't do thi-this. I c-ca-cant do th-this." She hiccup.

"Yes you can. You got me along the whole ride. You got Mother Dear. Most importantly, you got God." MaCartier kissed her forehead.

The doctor walked back into the room with a small gift bag.

"Is everything alright here?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's good." MaCartier nodded.

"I don't want to have to admit you now Jazmine. Your stress levels and your blood pressure are pretty high, do I need to admit you?" The doctor asked.

Jazmine turned her head to him and shook her head.

"I don't want to, especially right now. Look take things easy. I have your pictures and disc for you." He handed her the small giftbag.

She accepted it with a smile, "Thank You."

MaCartier grabbed Chase, putting him on his shoulder as they walked out and back to the car.

"So what you want to eat?" MaCartier started up the car.

"Uhhhhh, some chicken tenders and mashed potatoes and macaroni and salad with cheese and grilled chicken... Uh and a chocolate cake and ... And a big ole sweet tea." Jazmine nodded.

"Sooooo you want to hit up the buffet?" MaCartier laughed.

"We could." She shrugged.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan." MaCartier headed out of the city to the best buffet that he knew. The car was quiet due to Jazmine and Chase being knocked out cold, both slobbering. He couldn't help but to laugh but, reality soon creeped into his mind and his mood completely changed.

He had to be the daddy for his newphew. Isn't that something. Here Dave is all around the world with different women, all around the world spending and wasting money yet, he cowardly backed out on Jazmine and their son. He couldn't understand that, especially being that he has his daughter Jaliyah, he would think that Dave would be all over the pregnancy, not ignoring it. Sadly, MaCartier had came to realization that this was all a front. He should have stuck with his gut instinct about Dave and pushed more.

Maybe if he did that, Jamie would be alive. Yeah he did his sister wrong but, he connected with Jamie on another level.

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