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hey hey homies

i am SO sorry for not updating over the last two days, i've been so invigorated with belladonna and working my butt off bc i've got six mocks in the next two weeks so apologies my friends

massive thank you for 6.1k! honestly this book seems to be growing very quickly and i am so grateful because i love u all and want to please u to the best of my ability. 

SO i have a very important question for u all

i put this in the author's note of belladonna but i'm gonna put it here too mainly bc it pertains ot this book lol

basically i've got one quite decisive ending that would mean a quicker end to the book (like by chapter 33 ish or so) but a more dramatic and final ending + epilogue


i also could do it where it lasts at least another 10 chapters and i have a basic plan for this but it would mean generally a slower paced book for the next couple of chapters and the ending would be undetermined for now bc i know what i'll do but i don't know how the book will end u get me. this would also mean slower updates bc now i've got belladonna and i'm trying to get lots of prewriting done for it so that updates are regular and that i have more time to focus on both my rl work and giving morwenna a proper good ending

so yeah ok

tell me which one you would prefer and i'll go with that lmao

btw if u are reading belladonna i published a new chapter earlier so tell me if u like it. ngl i think rosamund is fucking wild. if u haven't checked it out please go do because i am very much enjoying writing it lmao.

thank u for ur time and enjoy ur daily morwenna chapter x

thank u for ur time and enjoy ur daily morwenna chapter x

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word count; 2126


When I woke, Finan was gone. He didn't wake me for one simple reason; he couldn't see me hurt and him leaving for battle would be the epitome of that. He did it out of love and thus I could not hold it against the Irishman. I loved him dearly and I would not face him as if he were some kind of fool. I saw him for what he was. A warrior.

Nonetheless, the camp remained buzzing with life. Women, priests and Osferth pattered about while the men, my man, fought to protect Wessex from the Danes. There was, therefore, an air of anxiety in the camp. We knew we would lose men and that someone would lose a father, husband or son. But we did not know who. All we could do was pray it was not our own man. The grief, I was sure, would be immense.

Osferth approached me, smiling, ready to wrap my wound once more. The infection was growing and the wound ever-festering.

"You are not to battle, Osferth?" I asked, watching him lift up the cloth that lay upon the wound. He shook his head slowly,

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