"That is a random question Kendra" Ivar started raising his brow at her. "We usually wear them for battle or big events, I like to keep my hair back though" Ivar shrugged. "Sometimes in braid sometimes just tied back" Ivar finished as he looked at her.

"Can I braid your hair tomorrow?" Kendra asked with a small smile. "I'd like to practice, since I would like to do it when we are married if improve" Kendra finished.

"I don't see why not, if that is what you would like" Ivar nodded with a bigger smile as he leaned up and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you" Kendra smiled, standing up from Ivar's lap. "Are you ready to try and get some sleep then boneless?" Kendra asked as she stood up to find Ivar a night shirt and some pants. Passing them to him as he nodded.

"Your paste is starting to work, but I'm scared to sleep in case they hurt in the night" Ivar stated. Putting the shirt over his head, his arms through the sleeves as Kendra watched it glide over his toned chest, the view of his muscles flexing with each movement. Kendra shook her head, as if trying to shake any sinful thoughts out of it.

She turned away as Ivar wormed his legs through his pants, pulling them up and doing up the ties on them. Coughing to get Kendra's attention. Kendra turned and walked up to him, letting him link his arm over her shoulder as she supported his weight. Helping to shift him to the bed, as he moved his legs on to the bed.

"I will stay with you, as promised. Making sure you do not wake Ivar" Kendra smiled, reassuring Ivar that she won't leave him. Kendra pulled the furs up and over Ivar, before standing up and blowing out all but one of the candles. His face barely illuminated by the light, his blue eyes still shinning and glistening, almost as if guiding her way in the dark. Kendra pulled the chair closer to the bed, holding Ivar's hand as her thumb caressed the skin.

"why don't you climb on the bed?" Ivar asked, a yawn escaping his lips.

"I wouldn't want to take any room" Kendra gave Ivar's hand a squeeze.

"I want to feel your arms around me" Ivar whined, reaching out to touch Kendra's face in the dark, caressing his thumb over the skin.

"Would it help you sleep?" Kendra asked nervous. As Ivar nodded, knowing Kendra couldn't see his nod in the dark. Kendra stood up moving the chair away as she pulled up the furs, shuffling under them.

"Is this okay?" Kendra asked opening her arms, so Ivar could cuddle up into her, he soon wormed in next to her. Resting his head on her breast, resting his hand over her and gently settling it onto her hip.

"Just fine" Ivar smiled to himself as he settled in, Kendra began tracing her fingers through his hair. It didn't take long for Ivar to finally drift off to sleep. Kendra could feel his body raise and fall with each breath. She smiled to herself at the feel of his body against her own. Looking forward to getting to feel the same feeling a dozen more times. Kendra slow fell asleep keeping her hand tracing through his hair, until she drifted off soundly to sleep.


Morning had broken as the sun light began breaking through the fabric of the tent. Kendra waking up slowly, noticing Ivar was still sleeping on her. She smiled to herself, as she slowly and gently moved from beneath him. Watching Ivar stir as she slowly knelt and played with his hair. Gently soothing him back to sleep. As stretched and gently made her way to the castle fetching Ivar some of the breakfast from the kitchen. Quickly rushing back to his tent, a tray in her hand with food for them both. By the time she got back she saw Ivar moving around.

"Ivar get back in bed, I brought food" Kendra hushed, placing the tray on the desk.

"I thought you had left me" Ivar hissed, "I let you in showed you myself as my most fragile and you left" Ivar hissed again under his breath getting dressed into his tunic.

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