Chapter 7

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alexis pov

i had lost, my horse she some way escape from the pen we had in the back area. i decide to try to track her down and hope to find her, with some luck hopeful i thought to myself as i left. the village and trying to follow the horses track that i had found. i hope to find my horse not nobody else find my horse. i thought as i kept walking down the path, i made through a meadow that had a yellowish grass. it look like the tall grass is fading, from green into yellow i thought as .

i walked through the grass, then i saw the ape village angina and i was thinking about. that girl, me and my friends had saved her from that mountain lion that was about be to be attacked and could have been killed. thank goodness that we were there that day i thought to myself as i turn and looking around there and saw the horse of mine. she was eating on the grass and i walked over there and i got her. i had her rope, as i was about to ride her, i heard footsteps there was the girl and large orangutan, i smiled at her. and at the orangutan, he walked over to me and began to sign.

i wanted to thank you , saving nova from that mountain lion, he said i blushed slightly pink. than i sign back.  " your welcome, my name is alexia ..  i told my name than he sign " maurice " i smiled as he sign that me, as i watch the girl walking around and she saw my horse named lighting. she wanted to pet it, than i walked over to her as she did. i made sure she was safe and okay when she was petting the horse. it was a sweet moment for that moment until the girl stopped petting the horse.

the horse gently push her before she walked over to me, i saw that night was coming. i sign to him i have to go, night comes soon, i hope to see you maurice soon again " i sign before i got on my horse and i left them and rode back to the house where. i live with my friends aka my family i thought, as i ride back quickly as i can. at night, wild animals come out and it's dangerous out here at night, very dangerous. i thought as i finally made it home, i put my horse and make sure she was lock into fence area before going into the home.

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