Part - 7

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Hey guys..This book completed 1k reads and its all because of your great support.I want to thank all my lovely readers for their love and support.Your each and every vote and comment is like a blessing to me.I hope you guys are enjoying the journey of Nishad and Amrita.Keep supporting guys.Your each and every comment and vote matter to me.Love You..Love pranushka..

Here is the next update.

It was a bright sunny day.Amrita was sitting at office cubicle working on her desk.Her eyes was on her computer but her mind was somewhere else.Her face was having a red hue and her lips are curved upwardly as yesterdays incidents are continuously flashing in her mind.

The way Nishad scolded her for her carelessness,Visit to his house,wearing his clothes,their dinner and that closeness..She was thinking too much.Taking a deep breath she smiled inwardly.Taking out her cellphone she message him.

Nishad was as usual busy in supervising the chefs when his phone beep.A smile appeared on his face when he read the message.

Today 6.30 at your fav place.I will wait for you..

                                                 Your Careless Friend


He immedeately replied to her.

I will be there for sure.

                      Your Grumpy Friend



Nishad was discussing about something with the assistant chefs when Amrita walk in the cafe.He saw her sitting at her fav table from the glass window of kitchen.Nishad check the time.Exact 6.30. How can he be so careless.He curse himself for not paying attention towards time.Now he has to prepare an answer.

Nishad slowly sneak out of the kitchen and slowly walk towards her.

" Hey.."

Amrita was waiting for him and looking at the entrance.She startled a bit by his sudden appearance.

" Hey..How you came from this side..? "

" I reach here five minutes earlier..just went to washroom.

" Ohh.."

Nishad feel proud of his answer and smiled to himself.

Amrita and Nishad were sipping there coffee when suddenly Nishad ask her something weired.

" Amrita..Pls can you sit here..? "

" What..? " Amrita look shock

" I mean can we exchange our places..? " This time he was looking really uncomfortable.

" But why..? " Amrita asked little confused.

" Actually that girl..was staring at me.."

Amrita look at her sideways and found a brown hair girl was staring at Nishad and shamelessly checking him out by giving a flirty smile.Firstly she felt little jealous but then when she look back at Nishad she started laughing.

" Amrita..don't laugh..from past three days she was coming here and doing this. " Nishad said with a frown.

" got a fan here.." Amrita said laughingly.

" You are laughing because you don't know from what situation I am going through.When she look at feels like she is going to eat me with her eyes..I feel like a pray on which she could jump at any time. " Nishad was frustrated.

Now Amrita started laughing uncontrollably.

" Amrita..stop it.. Nishad was really irritated now.

" ok..sorry.." Amrita finally control herself.

She look at him for a minute as he was again taking a sip from his cup.

" Nishad..hold my hand and squeeze it. "

" What..? " Nishad was complete shock now.

" You want to get rid of that girl..? " Amrita asked firmly.

" Yes.." He said looking at her.

" Then just do it as I say. "

Nishad directly look into her eyes.She was staring back at him.He slowly held her soft hand and gently squeze it.Amrita can feel his touch.His touch was intoxicating.Her cheeks flush with red colour.Nishad smiled charmingly feeling his effect on her.Amrita was lost in his touch for a movement but control herself immediately.That brown hair girl notice all this but remain unaffected.


Nishad and Amrita get up to leave.That brown hair girl was still sitting on the same table.

Amrita look at Nishad.

" Nishad..Is she looking at you..? " Amrita says looking into his eyes.

" Yes.."

In a blink of second Amrita hug him tight.Nishad was looking amuse but enjoying it.A smiled appeared on his lips.She slowly broke the hug.

" Don't overthink..Its just a part of my plan. " Amrita slowly whisper near his ear.

Nishad smiled to her and give a quick peck on her cheeks.Amrita look at him shock.

" A small addition from my side to your plan. " He said winking at her.

Nishad look at her with a boyish grin on his face and she blush.The brown hair girl walk out of the cafe stomping her feet.Nishad and Amrita look at each other and started laughing uncontrollably.

Feelings In Playlist - 

Tere bin , there end of desire 

Tere bin , my words on fire.

Tere bin , I can't fly high high high higher.

How was the chapter guys..? 

YOU , ME AND A CUP OF COFFEEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें