The Broken, Empty Shell

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Sadie's POV:

"Sadie?" My big brother, Justin, called through the door. "It's time."

I sighed. "Ok." I whisper weakly.

Studying myself in my full-length mirror on the back of my bathroom door, I don't see anything special. My lacy low-cut black dress that my Mom bought me for my 17th birthdayreaches to my knees. I'm not wearing any make-up. I know I'll cry it all off anyways, so what's the point?

Taking a deep breath, I open the door. Justin's face is pale, and blotchy from crying. His shaggy blonde hair falls into his face as he studies me silently for a second, before enveloping me in a bone crushing hug.

"It's gonna be ok, Princess." He says comfortingly.

"I know." I whisper back with a nod.

"We are here today, to celebrate the life of Lucy, and Jeremy Renolds. Mother and father of two beautiful children, Sadie and Justin Renolds, and friends of countless." The preacher droned on.

I haven't really payed attention up to this point. But it's my cue to take the stage in a few moments.

"Many have volunteered to speak, but I think that it would be more fitting for their precious daughter to sing a special song to honor the two..... Sadie?" He says, turning to me.

I walk onto the stage silently, listening to the audiences tears. I wish I could cry. But all I feel is emptiness. Nothingness. It's like I'm just an empty shell of a body. Is that even healthy?

"Thank you all for coming today, I appreciate it, as well as my brother. Thank you." Taking a deep breath, I walk over to the piano, and sit down.

Placing my fingers on the correct keys, I start to play and sing;

"Reaching over to tuck me in, you said 'I love you, Princess.'

And now I'm laying you to rest forever, saying 'I love you, Daddy.'

It just doesn't seem fair, it just doesn't seem right.

A bit ironic, isn't it? But you're going home now, Mommy. After you told me where you are, home is.

Now where am I supposed to call home?" I carry on singing and playing until I get to the last line.

"And now I'm laying you to rest forever, saying 'I love you, Mommy.'"

I got up, and walked to my seat in the first pew, crying no tears.

The Broken, Empty Shell (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora