Who are you? (Part 2)

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   "Hey Chase." I winced at the physical contact Halfborn Gunderson gave me. "Jumpy much?" He chuckled sitting next to me "Just startled." I replied, not taking my eyes off the green haired beauty.

  "Who you staring at?" I quickly looked away when Halfborn and T.J. looked at the green-haired girl's direction "Ohhh..." T.J. grinned slightly and punched my arm "She's a pretty one, huh?"

  I rolled my eyes "You say that same thing when a new girl comes here. "But you don't stare at new girls," Halfborn noted while sipping a cup of mead "You hardly pay any attention to them. I didn't deny the fact that I was staring "She's different." I muttered.

  The 2 meatheads suddenly jerked their attention to me. "What was that, Magnus?" Halfborn asked teasingly. I didn't blush but I was flustered inside.

  "Different how, Magnus?" T.J. pressed on. "Different. Just...Not like other girls."

  "You mean your fangirls here in HV?" Halfborn asked, making a silent note If you mean other girls, I'm assuming you don't mean like Mallory as he glanced at me.

  I quickly got the note and confirmed what he assumed.

   As we I watched the heroism of the second teen I lost interest and stared off to space. I rested my chin on my fist then felt a familiar feeling. My eyes widened as a girl about my age suddenly appeared next to me.

  "Samirah al-Abbas." She grinned and hugged me. For the past few years we've got over the 'no physical contact' rule. Since now she's pretty much an Immortal (Dead) Valkyrie.

  "Came by to say hi." She said as she smiled at T.J. and gave Halfborn a playful punch. "Back so soon?" I grinned as she waved at someone on the rookie table. "Yeah. Came as fast as I could when I got the news that my baby brosis is gonna be your hallmate!" She exclaimed happily.

  "Brosis?" Halfborn, T.J. and I asked, puzzled at the title. "It's complicated." She shrugged then her eyes widened and shushed us. "It's starting!"

  I looked and saw in Valkyrie Vision the heroism Miss Green-Hair has done, and believe me.

  I was sure my heart stopped when she looked at me.

  It was a mistake to look awa but I did. And I was pretty sure the others were getting suspicious so I turned to the big T.V. and watched the great deed of Miss GreenHair

  About 5 dozen of kids and teens ran out of an orphanage as the fire began tearing it down. It was almost impossible to get in and/or out, the tongues of fire was already spreading to the 5th floor.

  The scene change but it had the same place "Alex!" The green haired boy looked at a brunette blue eyed boy carrying a baby. "What are you still doing here?!" Alex hissed, "I came back for you!" 
  Alex...That's a really nice name. But why was she called a he?
  The room was now filled with excitement, it was like those parts of the movies when the hero has his/her final moments with their love interest.

  "You idiot!" Alex yelled as she helped a small boy find his brother, "Why would you do that?! Do you have an idea what you put yourself and Jenny into?!" He handed the boy to his brother as soon as they found him, the brother thanked the duo as he carried his small brother and ran.

  Alex turned to his friend and glared at him "Raffy you almost put yours and Jenny's life in danger! You complete and utter son of a-" Before he could finish he was kissed by Marco.

  "Because I love you! I love you, Alex. I don't care if your mom is Loki, because as far as I know," He cradled Jenny into his right arm and cupped Alex's face with his lef hand "You're Alex Fierro. My friend, my family, my comrade. And I'm sure Loki has none of those."

  The room was silent. Some girls were crying for 'True Love" while some men weren't so happy that the einherjar is a genderfluid son of Loki.

  Then I looked at her one more time. She didn't wear the same expression like a few minutes ago, her eyes softened and looked at the boy's face as if he was going to disappear anytime soon.

  The moment didn't last long as the fire grew bigger and bigger. "We've got to get outta here." Alex took Raffy's hand and ran "Stay. Here." He said looking at his friend right into his eyes.

  "No promises." Raffy grinned as he cradled baby Jenny. "Whatever." Alex rolled his eyes and smiled at the fragile baby "You better come back alive, Al." Raffy said seriously "I'm not taking care of Jennifer alone."

  Alex smirked "Who said I'm not coming back alive? Who's gonna make Jen-Jen laugh when her big brother's being an ass?" Raffy smiled and gave his friend one last kiss. "Just come back. I love you."

  It was almost like you could feel how Alex felt when she left. Heck even my heart grew heavier and my eyes started watering. I stole a glace at Alex and sighed. I looked at my friends and I immediately knew what the thought.

  Who was this stranger?

Fierrochase (YellowGreen)Where stories live. Discover now