
"Morning y'all" I greet as I enter the shop.

"Morning Believe", " Morning boss","Heyo" my employees say in unison.

I have six employees who have been working here since I took over the business. There is Bob, the giraffe of the store. He is covered with piercings from head to toe. He is the sweetest one of us all and the peace keeper of the shop. He is the only one working with piercings.

Then there is Lilika who looks like she comes out of the Amazons, just exotic. She has the cutest accent but doesn't stop talking. She's the baby of the shop. She mainly does the bright and colourful tattoos.

Kaleb with a K is the rebel of all of us. He has been in and out of jail for vandalising the towns walls until he landed a job here. He is always pulling stunts and keeps costumers coming back for more tattoos. He's the magician of the store.

Britney is the goth. She is slightly overweight with bright red hair and fanged teeth. Bob and her are an off and on couple with endless drama. Together they are our entrainment when business is slow. She is the secret keeper of the store. She's also the one who has the key to the store being she is always the first one to come and last one to leave. Her specialty is tattooing realistic and 3-D tattoos.

Zoey is easily the smartest of us all. She is shy but has no filter. She's the brains of the store. Her specialty is handing all the books and helping the rest create a killer tattoo when they run out of ideas. She's sort of our secretary

Ava is the the most serious of us all but also the most fun when she's not working. She is our brand ambassador and also a tattoo artist. She has the most tattoos of us all. They are everywhere but her face, palms and lower legs.

Together we make a tight crew. We more like family than anything else really.

I notice Bob is already busy giving a client a belly piercing.

"Zoey what is the schedule for the day?" I ask her as I make my way towards her table.

She reads me everybody's schedules including mine. Seems like today everybody but Kaleb has a busy day

Around 13:00 Cane decides to drop by the shop. Everybody's mood immediately turned sour as he places his foot in the store. He seems to have that effect on everybody wherever he goes. Everyone but me.

He sees me at my stall and walks straight to me ignoring everybody else. There is nothing really special about Cane. In fact he is below average looking and he has one of the worst personalities I have came across. But he is different once you get close to him, well.. At least to me he is. He has light blond hair that always looks greasy. He is out of shape and nearly red with the amount of sun burn he has. With all this his eyes and scent are what attracts me to him. He has bluish green eyes that change shade according to the weather. He smells like cinnamon which drives me crazy.

Once he spots me finishing up a tattoo on a customer he waves at me causing me to smile.

He comes behind and looks down at the tattoo I just did on the girls back. "Oh now that is beautiful" he whispers in my ear.

"Kudos to the person getting it. She came up with the design" I whisper back. The tattoo ran across her spine. It is a white violin with a black music sheet decorating it.

Once I'm done I show her the end results and she is completely in love with. I place some oil on it and a bandage. I watch as she stands up slowly and assist her in putting her shirt back on. Cane and I watch as she pays Zoey for our service and walks away with a big smile on her face.

This is why I love my job. I help people love their skin and become confident enough to show it off. No matter how bizarre the tattoo the costumer wants or the weird places some of them want it, they always leave the shop happy.

"What is wrong with your hand" he questions once I take the glove of. Everyone has asked me the same question since they saw it and the answer has been the the same for everyone

"I don't know. I just woke up, and BAM my colour was gone." I tell him half the truth. I pack up my station nearly as I wait on the next question.

"Did you go to the doctor to get it checked yet?" Cane follows up with another question.

There it is. The million dollar question everyone seems to be persist with.

Cane holds my hand as if it is the most delicate thing ever, like it's going to peel off if he holds it tightly. I assume its because he thinks it hurts or something.

" I'm hungry what did you have planned for the day?" I ignore his question and focus on more pressing matters. Food.

" Follow me and you shall find out" he gives me a devious smile. As I am about to walk towards the exit he pulls me back by my waist and places me on the tattoo chair.

My arms have found their way to his neck and he comes in for a deep lustful kiss. I immediately return it with my own, but we are stopped by my employees when they start to groan and complain. If it was Lazarus they wouldn't have said a thing, but since it's Cane everyone has a problem

When he pulls back we both out of breathe and just stay in a hug for a while.

"We should go my parents are hosting a lunch." Cane says as he lifts me down from the tattoo chair.



She touched me...she touched me. He keeps saying over and over in his head laughing every time he says it.
Yesterday he was surprised when he woke up in the ocean because he remembered being in the forest before he passed out... After she touched him.

She radiated so much pain I couldn't bear it. If I wasn't in pain as well he would have attempted to help her, but I was useless...

When he came out of the ocean his closest friend Thapelo was waiting for him with a blanket. It turns out HE was badly burnt by the spiritual fire. But now every part of him was healed due to the water.... Everything but a hand print left on his left shoulder. The part of him which she touched. He had lost all pigment on that part. Which is oblivious due to his spring wood colour skin.

Now he is sitting alone in his bed wondering what this means. Even with his timeless memory it seems that the meetings of the queens are erased. He can only remember after his previous fleshes got married.

He calls in the maid and commands her to find him a coffee skinned girl that will satisfy his lustful needs. His heart, guts and spirit opposes to this but he chooses not to listen. All he wants is to forget about her and he thinks the only way to do this is by burying himself in another's body.

The door opens and in walks a skinny girl with perfect coffee skin. Her breast are so large the look like their about to tear apart the long thin, nearly transparent, blue material she is dressed in. She is beautiful but not in the natural way. As HE examines her further he says she is caked with make-up. The girl looks excited to be in the his presence.

He indicates to her to come forward with his finger. She follows his command without hesitation and walks seductively towards him. She gets rid of the material covering her on the way to him. She pushes him down to lay on the bed and sits on top of him.

And so the fun begins.....

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