Chapter 11

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My heart was beating like crazy, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't. I kissed Nico. I was grinning and sometimes laughing to myself when the giddy thought reformed back into my mind. Even though I was at war with myself. Why did I kiss Nico? Did he like it? Was it so sudden that he hated me? Dozens of questions flew around my mind and suddenly, I felt happy. I kissed Nico di Angelo! I looked about the plane window then at the dark haired beauty beside me. A small smile rested upon his pale red lips and I had the sudden urge to kiss him again.

I stared at him fr what seemed like hours. People looked over at me and smiled, a few coughed and sent glares my way, causing the smiling people to glare at the glaring people. I smiled and lightly kissed Nico's forehead. He stirred and I felt very indecisive about my decision of kissing his forehead. Instead, he snuggled into my shoulder and kept sleeping. Not going to lie, I liked this position with NIco's head on my shoulder. Eventually, I dozed off as well. When I woke up, I was looking into the big brown eyes of Nico di Angelo.

He looked away blushing. "Um hi, Percy..."

I chuckled and kissed his cheek lightly, my lips tingling with the contact we had made. "Hey."

Nico looked like a tomato.  "H-How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good," I chuckled and glanced at his lips then back at his face. Nico noticed my eyes moving and looked away, messing with a strand of his dark hair. I chewed my bottom lip and straightened myself in the airplane seat. Oh my gods, I just totally made him feel uncomfortable. I messed with my fingers, then my pants. I started to sweat.

"Uh, Percy? my head snapped to look at him. I said shakily, "Yeah?"

"You okay? Your sweating..." Nico sounded worried".

I shook my head quickly. "No, I'm fine, great, super--"

Chilly lips pressed against mine and immediately knew that he had kissed me. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him into me. Gods, it felt great to have him in my arms... 

Nico's hands were tangled in my messy locks and his arms were looped around my neck. His touch was a cold fiery passion that made me crave for him more. All my indecisive questions took a trip out of my mind, now I knew what Nico felt for me. I didn't need to be indecisive anymore. My tongue darted out of my mouth and licked Nico's bottom lip. I felt him shiver, almost like he could feel the way his skin felt; cold, yet with a fiery blizzard. 

Af few seconds later, we pulled away, both of us panting. Nico's face was flushed and his lips were swollen and red. My lips throbbed slightly and I looked into Nico's eyes. 

"I like you." he blurted out. 

My heart skipped a beat and my lips turned into a giant smile. "Gods, you do?"

Nico nodded meekly. "Yeah... I've liked you for a long time actually."

I leaned over and gave Nico a kiss. It wasnt like the last one we shared, this one was full of love and sweetness. When I pulled away, I cupped Nico's cheek and looked into his eyes. "Me too, Nico. I was just so blind to notice it,"

Nico's eyes lit up and he hugged me tightly. I responded and wrapped my arms around him, almost pulling him into my lap. We stayed there, hugging each other. I inhaled deeply, smelling Nico's scent. Pine needles mostly but there's also the small scent of, well, death. 

The plane landed a few minutes later and Nico walked off the plane, hand in hand. Something was clawing at my foot and I let out a squeak when I noticed Jenna standing there. Gods, what?! I thought she was with us the whole time! Wasn't she? She was with us at the river right? 

"Jenna?!" Percy sounded surprised. "H-Have you been there this whole time?"

Jenna looked at us with big black eyes and nodded. "Yeah,"

I scooted closer to Percy and his grip on me tightened. I had no idea what was going on. "S-So you were in that seat beside us on the plane...?"

Jenna nodded again and looked around. "And here we are in Germany! Oh and we should forget about the werewolf vampire things."

I frowned. "Why?"

"Because they're afraid of us." she pointed across the room to a group of people who were watching us with frightened faces.

Jenna skipped happily to the exit and we followed hesitantly. 

"Are you sure we should let her tag along?" Nico said with a frown. 

I nodded a bit helplessly. We couldn't just abandon a kid here! I looked around, clearly uneasy about the situation. Everyone, even the humans, were backing off. I spotted a pack of hellhounds in the corner of the airport looking like pups when in reality, they bigger than garbage trucks. I kept walking but my guy was telling me to ditch Jenna, take Nico and finish the quest ourselves.

Nico gripped my arm and I looked down at him. He looked serious. "Percy, I have a bad feeling about Jenna."

We kept walking and I said, "Same. Whats your bad feeling?"

"She feels... different before. If anything, her heart beat is a lot slower. Theres also a slight black aura around her."

"Kind of like when Clarisse got her blessing from Ares?" I asked. 

 NIco nodded. "Yeah but Jenna's is black with a slight red ting to it."

"I don't think that's a good sign." I said, glancing over at Jenna who was marching out the door of the airport. It was spring and when I stepped out, I was surprised to find it kind of chilly. Beside me, Nico shivered. I reached into my bag and gave him my sweatshirt. Nico blushed, thanked me, and slipped it on. It was big on him. The sweater went past his waist and his hands were swallowed by the sleeves. He looked absolutely adorable. 

Hey, everyone!!! Sorry about the long wait, I finally got a laptop so now I could write!!! I


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