Chapter 7

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"But Nico!" Percy whined. "I don't wanna leave!"

"Percy quit acting like a baby and pick up your stuff," I growled.

Percy pouted and picked up his clothes, stuffing them into his bag with a grunt.

 Percy didn't remember what had happened with Will. I told him that Will had tried to talk to him and Percy had passed out due to dehydration. Percy being the guy he is, believed the whole thing. Yet at the same time he wanted to stay and talk to Delilah. 

"Percy were on a quest. We can't stop to talk and stay in hotels," I said simply.

Percy crossed his arms, his mouth formed into a  scowl. "Why not?"

I grimaced and responded, "I just said, were on a quest!"

Percy was really starting to irritate me. Percy picked up his bag and grinned. "Guess we should get going, huh?"

I nodded and opened the door. I frowned when I heard a squeak and looked down seeing a girl sprawled out on the floor, big gold eyes staring at me. Percy looked past me, then pushed me away from the door and sat down in front of the girl. "Hey there. The names Percy,"

The girl nodded like she knew who Percy was, which she probably did. 

"Was there something you needed?" Percy asked with a charming smile.

Oh gods... Its seriously getting worse!

"Lamia's..." the girl breathed out. "Lamia's are in the lobby... T-They ate my friend."

(A Lamia is basically a girl with the body of a snake. Kinda like Medusa. But without the hair. Plus Lamia's eat children...)

"Lamia's?" I scowled. "Why would Lamia's..." 

We all knew why they were here. It was after Percy and I. 

Percy helped the girl up and looked into her gold eyes. "In the lobby right?"

The girl nodded helplessly. Percy grabbed her and put her over his backpack and onto his back. He unsheathed Riptide and looked at me, a grin plastered to his. The sunlight poured into the room and his black hair shined. Heat rushed to my face and I looked away. Gods, he looked hot. That lopsided grin, the way the sun hits his hair, the way those sea-green eyes look at me, the--

"Nico?" Percy's voice knocked me out of my thoughts. "You ready?"

I grabbed my sword hastily but fumbled with it. The sword fell out of my grasp and hit the floor. Clang. Giggle. Laugh.

I looked up, my face completely red from embarrassment. I noticed Percy's face was laughing and the girl had giggled. I picked up my sword quickly and strode toward the door. 

"Yes Jackson, I'm ready."


When we reached the lobby, I was speechless. Blood was splattered everywhere and five Lamia's were gnawing on the remains of fallen children. (Sorry if this bothers you but this is seriously what Lamia's did!!!!) I held back my nausea and the little girl started to cry. The Lamia's head's turned to us, there eyes full of lust and hunger. 

"Perseus Jackson," a Lamia said, taking in Percy's figure. I tried to keep my anger down but a growl escaped my lips causing the Lamia's to look at me strangely. 

"And Son of Hades, Nico di Angelo," a Lamia grinned at me seductively and flicked her tail.

I gripped my sword and faced the Lamia's. There was five of them and each was looking at Percy and I with the same eyes. Percy set the girl down between two fake plants and gave her a dagger. How he had the dagger I had no idea.

The Lamia's hissed at the sight of a dagger and drew their swords. The swords reminded me of samurai swords. Percy drew Riptide while I drew my sword. Percy wasted no time speaking or even looking at me. He basically charged straight into the group of Lamia's, 

 Ugh, what a show off. Glancing at the girl, I engaged to of the Lamia's in battle. Up close, it was hard to not be distracted by the woman's features. Any guy would fall for these girls. Instead of dinner for two, I guess it would be dinner for one. I slashed at the stomach of the first Lamia, ignoring the wails escaping from her mouth and headed toward the second one. This one was much more difficult than the other. She kept slithering around swiftly and slashing at my feet.

I gritted my teeth and followed the whereabouts of the Lamia. She watched me with curious eyes, a small grin on her face. I watched her lick her lips and grin. Then she threw her sword.

My breath hitched and I moved away swiftly. What the Hades?! She just threw her sword at me! 

The Lamia looked disappointed. I didn't have time to move before a scaly tail wrapped around my torso. I gasped loudly and soon I was being thrown across the room, my sword hitting the floor with a crash. I knew I was bleeding. There was a feeling in my gut. It was cold and unpleasant. I recognized the feeling immediately. It was the feeling of death.


I didn't notice Nico was gone until I was surrounded by the Lamia's. I had already roughed up three of them and it looked like Nico barely made one bleed. Thanks bro.


My chest clenched and I was no longer worrying about the Lamia's surrounding me. I quickly jabbed a Lamia making them all veer off and watch me warily. A Lamia grinned and threw a sword in my direction but I clashed Riptide against the sword sending it flying off into an unknown direction. I grinned and jabbed a Lamia, her mouth was formed into a wail as she disintegrated into a dust. Her friends sneered at me and growled.

I pointed my sword at the one in the middle. "Wheres my friend?"

She sneered and flicked her tail to the right of me. I turned and gasped when I saw Nico's pale body laying in the rubble of the lobby. He was bloody and bruised, a large gash was open to the air on his thigh. My blood boiled at the sight and I clenched my first, Riptide was practically shaking in my hands. My body moved on its on, slashing, cutting, spinning. It was almost as if I had bathed in the Styx again.

Before I finished the last Lamia, I pointed my sword at her neck. "What did you want from us?"

The Lamia cringed. "We were only sent to kill you! Lady Salaya wanted you two out of the way!"

I nodded and plunged Riptide into the Lamia's neck. She disintegrated into dust, a piercing wail hitting the air, but only I heard it.


I grabbed Nico before I grabbed the girl. Right now, Nico was more important. Nico's pulse was soft and he was loosing blood pretty quickly. I fumbled with the ambrosia and nectar. Gods, why the Hades was my hands shaking.

"Percy?" I looked over and saw the girl standing there. She knelt down next to Nico and began to wrap the cut. I panicked right there.

"Woah now! What do you think your doing?"

The girl blinked at me. "I'm bandaging his wound."

I nodded even though I was wary of this little girl who just suddenly said something about being able to do wounds and a bunch of other stuff like that. She started telling me about how certain leaves could cure certain wounds and I basically sat there nodding.  I didn't want to listen to her ramble on about wounds and a bunch of other stuff like that. I was only worried about Nico.

When I glanced at his pale helpless body, I knew that laying helplessly on the ground, was the boy that I loved.

Soooo guys... Been awhile I know. I've had major writers block for like, 3 month's .-. Sooo... Yeah. I'm getting back to writing. Percy's Sister Ships Percico? will come out soon. Two new stories will come out!!! Percico ones!! The Death Prince is Back, and Sea Boy. Sea Boy is a short story recommended by the fabulous gilliannepeck!!!! Go follow her, read her awesome Percico story Almost. Percy Jackson, Assassin of the Sea's will take some time cuz those chapters can make me a little edgy. Sorry about the huge thing where I haven't updated in so long. Its just that nothing got flowing in my mind .-. 

Alright!!! Thanks guys, I'll see you in the next chapter!!!


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