Chapter 9

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I couldn't think straight. My mind felt like fuzz. Nico was leaning against me as we walked between the streets of Sweden. I knew now we were in Sweden because there was coffee shops everywhere an about the whole store was filled with Swedes drinking coffee. Annabeth once told me, that the Swedish, love coffee. 

Beside me, Nico said quietly, "I'd like to go to a coffee shop..."

I nodded and didn't reply. I looked at a coffee place one more time, then turned away bringing Nico with me. Behind us, Jenna hummed happily to herself like there wasn't a bunch of monsters chasing us. For some reason, the monsters were veering away from us. Trust me, when about five hellhounds appear, they take one look at us, flatten their ears and put walk away with their tails between their tails. 

Honestly, this scared the crap out of me. As much as I want to live a normal life, having monsters run away from me is probably the most scariest thing I have ever seen.

I didn't know where we were going. The three of us just kept walking until I ran into a guy with a business suit on. He was tapping at his phone in agitation, a frustrated look on his face. 

"Gods, Demeter!" he said angrily, making me frown. No mortal ever say a Greek goddesses name when they were frustrated, more or less gods. 

The man sighed in frustration and slipped his phone into his pocket, his eyes locking on mine. Then he smiled like there wasn't a care in the world. "Ah, Percy. Been a while, huh?"

"Uh... Which god are you?" I knew was he a god. It was pretty obvious.

The man looked hurt. "You mean you don't remember?" He laughed. "I'm Hermes," Hermes clapped his hands. "Anyways! Back to the important stuff!"


Apparently, the most important thing in life, he coffee from Sweden. Hermes practically pushed us into the nearest coffee shop. The odd thing, he smiled at Nico and I like we were a couple -which I blushed really badly along with Nico- and looked at Jenna in horror. 

Now, we were all sitting in a booth beside a window, over looking the snow capped mountains and misty fog above them. If we weren't holding the string of fate to the gods, I would love to come here with.... Nico. I paused my thoughts and stared at the mountains. I was confused. More confused when I had feelings for Annabeth. 

I zoned out completely, ignoring Hermes rant on how different coffees were in America and Sweden. I didn't know why I was so drawn to the son of Hades. Maybe it was the way his brown eyes looked at me, or maybe it was the way the way his dark locks of hair moved, or maybe it was the small smiles that appeared every now and then or maybe-

I cut my thoughts with the shake of my head. No... I can't change the way I feel now. I looked at Nico and stared. To my amazement, he was staring right back at me. Blood rose to my face and Nico's face did the same. I didn't stop staring even though I knew I should've stopped but I couldn't stop. He was staring at me in awe.

I didn't realize we were leaning in until a beautiful lady walked over and plucked Nico away from me.

"Awww! Now aren't you two the cutest couple!" she squealed, hugging Nico and smashing her cheek against his. Nico's face was burning red.

Hermes pinched the bridge of his nose. "I was trying to help them, Aphrodite!"

I should've guessed it was her. She was practically glowing beauty. 

Aphrodite pouted. "They were just so cute together that I couldn't resist!"

Hermes scowled. "I'm surprised you haven't lost your sanity again."

"Hey!" Aphrodite looked offended. "You were the one flying around in circles like a complete idiot!"

The two immortal gods locked eyes and were in a glaring contest. They literally shot sparks.

"Hey you two. Calm down," I said trying to break them apart. "Whats going on here?"

Aphrodite looked at me and I swear my heart skipped a beat. She sat on the table, crossed her legs and leaned in a little toward me. "I still find it hard you turned down immortality. We would've made such a good couple."

Before I could pull myself back, a cold hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "He's better off with someone else,"

Nico's voice was firm and again I was staring at him. He's eyes were cold and merciless. He looked like he was going to punch the love goddess in the face.

Aphrodite's eyes flared. "Watch it, son of Hades. I won't be afraid to make you think different."

For a second, Nico hesitated. Then he clenched his jaw and said, "Go ahead! Its not like my lover loves me back!"

My eyes widened and I leaned against the window for support. Nico loves someone else... My thoughts strayed away and I sat there like a rag doll. Aphrodite laughed. It was a happy laugh.

"Gods! I love to stir up some drama!" she disappeared in a mist of pink smoke.


I didn't listen to anything Hermes said. He was saying something about Russia and coffee and Nico looked pretty stressed. I clenched my teeth and looked at the table. Why should I be worrying about him? He loves someone else. The realization hit me. The only reason I was worrying... Was because I loved him. 

Suddenly, my eyesight got blurry and a tear fell down my face, sliding down my cheek and hitting the table silently. 

"Percy, are you crying?" Jenna's soft voice said. 

I reached up for my face and felt both of my cheeks wet. I laughed but it came out strained. "I guess I am..."

Hermes was looking at me strangely and Nico was staring at me with wide eyes. I stood abruptly and looked down. "Excuse me..."

I didn't look back as I walked out the cafe.

The Chain of Immortals (Percico)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن