Chapter 10

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I watched Percy leave and Hermes sighed. "That boy needs to get his feelings sorted out. Aphrodite won't silence herself about you two."

I glared at him slightly. "What are you talking about?"

Hermes looked unamused. "You seriously don't know your own feelings?" Now he looked disappointed as he shook his head. "Now that's low."

I shook my head. "He doesn't need to know."

Hermes looked sad. "If only you knew."

Before I could respond, the phone in Hermes pocket began to ring. He scowled, reached into his pocket and pressed the phone to hid ear. "Hello? Ugh, Demeter I told you that your cereal would be in today!" Hermes waited a bit. "Well I don't care how long it took! Your getting them today! Its just cereal!"

He hung up looking pretty irritated. "Anyways... You should get going." He slipped me two plane tickets. "You'll find her here."

Then he was gone.


I found him in the river. He was sitting in the river, surrounded by fish. It looked like he was ranting about something. Percy was making hand notions and every now and then, he would pretend he was talking to someone then switch back to him.

I leaned against the railing and shouted down at him, "Hey, you done yet?"

The fish scattered and Percy skyrocketed into the sky, water flowing everywhere. Percy stood next to me with wide eyes. "How long have you been there?"

"How long have you been down there?" I retorted.

Percy was blushing slightly. "Not too long."

I laughed and handed him a plane ticket. "These are from Hermes."

"Dude, are you trying to get me killed?" he was looking at me incredulously.

I laughed. "Percy, calm down. I'm pretty sure that Zues wont kill you since his life depends on it.'"

He nodded but he didn't seem very convinced. I leaned up and kissed his cheek, my heart screaming yes but my mind screaming no. My lips tingled from meeting his warm skin and when I pulled away, we were both blushing.

Percy was looking at me in shock. I was looking up at him. Just looking up at him. He coughed and looked away. "We should get going."

I nodded slowly. I didn't mean to kiss him. My body just moved on its own. I sighed as I followed Percy to the side of the road. Percy got a taxi in a few seconds. I'm pretty sure he's a master at that now. I climbed in after Percy and told the driver, "Oviken airport."

The driver was a guy in a business suit and his hair was combed back. He looked in the rear view mirror and grinned. "Been awhile, Nico. Last time I saw you was when?" the driver thought for a minute then started to drive. "Ah! You were ten! Always playing with those silly cards." he chuckled. "How many attack points did I have?

I responded immediately. "400 but if your opponent has higher attack points then your attack points rise to 600."

Percy looked confused. "So... What god is he?"

"Apollo." I said.

Apollo smiled, showing off his shining teeth. "That's right. Now its tine for a haiku that-"

"Lord Apollo, I don't think we have enough time for that..." Percy said, frowning a bit.

Apollo let out a long sigh. "Only because my life is in your hands. Anyways, when you get to the airport your going to be met with some nasty Vrykolakas. Nasty things those are!"

"Vry what?" Percy looked like he was thinking hard but his dyslexia was messing with him.

"Vrykolakas." Apollo said it slowly, almost like it was something Annabeth was telling Percy. "They're basically vampire werewolves."

"You had to combine those two?" Percy muttered.

I stifled a laugh and Apollo chuckled."You think I wanted a combination of two losers named Jacob and Edward?"

Percy laughed. "Do they sparkle?"

Apollo was laughing hard now. "I don't know...!"

I clutched Percy's arm as Apollo swerved the taxi around some cars.

Percy's eye was twitching. I let go and we sat in an awkward silence. After about ten minutes, we arrived at the airport. It was pretty busy and I was afraid of getting lost in the huge crowd.

Apollo dropped our bags at our feet and grinned his shiny white teeth at us. "Alright boys. This is as far as I take you."

I nodded and Percy waved at Apollo.  We dove around the crowd, trying not to hit anyone, but we ended up at least smacking everyone.

"Hey Percy, we should try to get out of this crowd." I grabbed his arm but he shook it off. I looked at him, and was horrified to see a older man talking on the phone glaring at me. I started to panic.

"Percy?!" I shouted frantically.

I tried to calm down but to be honest I was on the verge of tears. People were brushing past me like I was nothing. I was looking for him frantically, my eyes darting around the crowd. My breaths were starting to come out as short puffs.

Then his warm hand slipped into my hand and I looked up at him. I knew it was him. It was his warmth in my hand.

Percy's eyes were filled with worry. He pulled me into a hug and and I hugged him back tightly. I filled my nose with his wonderful scent. The ocean. It was my new favorite place.

"Nico..." Percy's voice was so soft, I almost didn't hear him.

His next words surprised me. "Kiss me."

It sounded like an order. And this was one order I couldn't refuse. I wrapped my arms around Percy's neck, leaned up into him and kissed him. Percy immediately responded, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling  me into him. I melted into him and my head was spinning.

After a few seconds, Percy pulled away slowly. I blushed as I looked up at him, then jumped as the area around us erupted into applause and cheers. Percy's arms were still around me. I looked around, my mind slowly processing that we shared a kiss in front of a bunch of people. I blushed even more.

Percy chuckled. "We should get going."

He led me out of the crowd, people smiling at us and pointing at us, clearly talking about us.

"There such a cute couple!"

"Its nice that they show that they love each other in public."

"I have to tell this to all my friends!"

The list continued. I was blushing a lot now. Percy was smiling happily. Does he like me?

Of course he does! He just kissed you in front of all those people! my mind screamed.

I smiled to myself and followed Percy onto the airplane. People were smiling and pointing at us.

Percy pressed his lips against my cheek. "You seem tired. Get some sleep."

I nodded slowly my eyelids closing before I fell into a deep sleep.

Expect semi-slow updates since my computer is broken and I'm doing everything from my phone and I ABSOLUTELY hate writing on my phone... I'll still update as fast as I can!!! Sorry for the inconvenience...


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