Chapter 4

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HELLO!! Hey guys. So I just checked and I found out that this book has 200 READS!! HOW AMAZING IS THAT!?!?!? I'm sorry I'm getting too excited...onwards with the story


Izuku POV:

The ride home was really uncomfortable. And I have NEVER been uncomfortable when it was just me and my mother. I just couldn't stop thinking about my father. 'Did he leave because of me? No it was the light that affected him...yeah that's it.'

We arrived home and I went to my room and locked the door.

"Izuku honey. Can I come in?"

"...can I be alone for a bit?"

"Ok I'm going to cook dinner ok?"

"Ok bye?"

I really didn't want to be around my mother right now. I feel like I have been lied to. I should I put it...EXTRA mad. I don't know why.

After just sitting in front of my door, I get up to my computer. I search and learn all I can about females.

'Females tend to get more effected by emotions than males. This especially happens around when they start middle school.' (I know this effects boys also, but I don't really care right now...I'm tired...I didn't sleep last night)

'Oh that makes sense' I close my computer only to open it right back up. 'I'm going to do my radio' I thought happily as I grabbed my guitar and my microphone and got everything set up.

I turn on the radio

"Hello guys!! I'm back again and I would love to sing for you guys again!! I've changed my mind and decided that I will do the radio at any day of the week. But it will be at night so be sure to check in whenever you want to see if I'm on!! Enough talking and more singing!!"

(Insert any song you would like)

Time skip to the end of the song:

*pant* *pant* "that's all I have today guys. I'm off to eat dinner then sleep and y'all should to!! BYE" I said while jumping and waving 'wow I'm pretending I actually have an audienc-WHOA!! Another 2000 views!?!? Aww I'm so happy'

"Izuku, dear. Dinner is ready I know you're mad but-"

I cut her off by running up to her and jump-hugging her around the neck

"Mom it's fine I forgive you ok? Let's just eat. I'd rather do that then dwell on things of the past."

We both smile at each other and went to bed...

What I didn't know was what horrid stuff was to take place the next day...


OOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo cliffhanger. And again, THANKS FOR 200 READS!!! Also, I'm sorry that this chapter was short 😟 but I haven't been sleeping much so I'm trying to get that junk together so yeah...hoped you liked it!!

P.S. unedited

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