The Chapter

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SN: Wake up, Dahyun-ah~ We're going to be late for work.

DH: 5 more minutes, mum

SN: Stop playing around. Come om, wake up. *Gives Dahyun a peck on the cheeks*

Dahyun wakes up in a flash.


SN: *laughs* you're so cute ❤

Sana pinches Dahyun's squishy tofu cheeks.

The duo got ready quickly and had for breakfast before they left for work.

SN: The ring looks beautiful sitting on your finger, hehe

DH: I mean, it's your gift so of course it's beautiful.

SN: Does that mean I should get you more gifts so that you'll look more beautiful?

DH: Are you saying I'm not beautiful? *pouts*

SN: You're perfect.

DH: Easy for you to say. Hurry up and finish your breakfast. We're going to be late for work.

SN: Time slows down when I'm with you, though.

DH: Stop playing around. Let's go.

It was a daily routine, morning teasing, flirting before work. The duo became so much closer than they were as children. Sana hasn't fully recovered from her amnesia, but that allowed her to start on a new chapter, a new love life.

Sure, conflicts happen. That's normal in couples. It brings them closer. They grew together though the arguments.

And during one argument...

DH: Don't talk to me ever again. I hate you, Sana. I hate you SO SO SO SO SO MUCH. You're so selfish!! You only think about yourself. Selfish squirrel. Get out of my house!!!

SN: Fine!! I won't talk to you ever again. By the way, this is MY HOUSE? So you get out! Me? Selfish? *chuckles* where? You're the selfish one driving me out of my house.

Dahyun leaves. Slamming the door behind her. It was late in the night. Dahyun would have nowhere to stay.

And for work, how awkward would it be for her to show up after such a big fight.

Unsurprisingly, Dahyun did not show up for work the next day. Sana was a little worried. She could not focus on work without her little tofu.

When work ended and she went home, Sana did not see Dahyun anywhere in sight. This worried her even more.

"Maybe she'll come back later. Dahyun has nowhere to stay. She'll come back eventually."

Hours past and Dahyun still hasn't gone home. Sana was getting extremely worried.

"I can't take this. I'm going to look for her. It's been a day. She can't be surviving well outside. Besides, it's winter. It's really cold."

Sana picked up an extra winter wear and dashed out of her house. In search for her precious, helpless tofu.

Sana searched the streets, hotels. No sign of the pale girl.

She called her. No answer.

"Come on!!! Where can she be!!! Think, Sana, think."


"Help!!! Stop...hurting me. Ow! S-stop!"

Sana turned around to see a gang of 5 guys attacking a small, helpless girl.

Sana walked towards the group
"Ya!! What are you doing???!!!"

Guy 1: It's none of your business. Leave or you're next.

SN: Do I look like I'm afraid of you? I'm a black belt, excuse you. Don't mess with me.

Guy 2: Black belt? Pfft. Don't make me laugh. You look as helpless as she is.

Sana threw a punch at the second guy.

SN: Helpless, you say?

All 5 guys charged at Sana immediately.

SN: So y'all wanna play? I'll show you not to mess with Minatozaki Sana!

In a blink, all 5 guys were down on the ground, groaning in pain.

SN: Do you want more?

Guy 3: No... please. Stop...

SN: Get out of here! I don't want to see you guys lurking here and bullying anymore girls. YOU HEAR ME?

Guy 1: Y-yes. Come on guys, let's get away from this psycho.

Sana raised her fist, "WHO?"

Guy 1: N-nothing. Let's go boys.
The guys ran off.

Sana ran towards the poor girl lying helplessly on the ground.

SN: Hey, are you ok-

DH: Sana... gomawo... if not for you, I would've lost my life or something.

SN: Ahhh!! Dahyun-ah. Don't run away from me like this ever again. Please. I was so worried for you.

Sana saw the wounds.

SN: You're hurt. Come on, let's go home. I'll apply first aid for you.

DH: Thank you...squirrel.

SN: Shhh... you're hurt. No need to thank me. I promised to take... *chokes on tears* care of you. But I didn't. I'm sorry. I let you down.

Dahyun kisses Sana on the cheeks.

DH: You didn't let me down. You showed them! You're my hero Minatozaki. And I'm so proud to have you as mine.

Sana smiled.

"Kaja. We'll dress up your wounds."

With that, the duo went home. Sana had Dahyun piggybacked all the way home.

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